15 Dec 2020

6m E layer super DX

The blog of John EI7GL reports on some astounding DX on 50MHz (6m). Although reported as multi-hop Es, I have my doubts. This is like the super DX seen every June between Europe and the Far East. 

My theory is this is E layer propagation but, importantly, not sporadic E. In my view, at least some of these very long paths are the result of some sort of chordal hop E layer propagation. The EU to Far East June 6m openings are at the time when mesospheric clouds are often seen. I wonder if this was the same in the southern hemisphere? Any thoughts?

See https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2020/12/remarkable-13000-km-opening-on-6-metres.html

Winter, late afternoon - NOT amateur radio


This delightful photo was taken by our sons a few days ago. It shows the setting sun and one of our granddaughters.

Sunspots - December 15th 2020

Solar flux is 83 and the SSN 25. A=3 and K=0. 

14 Dec 2020

2m FT8 QRP (Monday)

At about 1910z, I QSYed to 2m FT8 using 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far this evening just 1 spot of me and nobody yet on RX and no QSOs.


You can almost imagine him thinking, "if only someone invented a microprocessor or an SDR receiver". 

Calendars - NOT amateur radio

Every year about now we make calendars for the next year.  These are examples. 

Amateur cartoon

Steve G1KQH shared this. Not sure where it originated. 

15m FT8 RX

At about 0810z, I turned on the 15m FT8 RX system with the FT817ND and the tiny indoor loop antenna. It is now 0836z and 11 stations spotted so far.

UPDATE 1104z:  181 stations spotted with the furthermost UN7GBX (5566km) in Kazakhstan.

UPDATE 1527z:  229 spots today so far on 15m FT8 RX. 

UPDATE 1603z:  234 stations spotted today so far on 15m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1855z:  247 stations spotted. QRT soon.

80m FT8 overnight

 With 967 stations spotted overnight on 80m FT8 RX, it was quite rewarding on the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Best DX spotted was NR5R (8276km) near the Mexican border in Texas, usa.

Homemade mince pies and Christmas cake - NOT amateur radio

Every year, my wife makes homemade mince pies and Christmas cake at this time of year. The mince pies don't last long! 

Although I am biased, the mince pies are far better than shop ones. The secret is making the pastry as thin as possible.