31 May 2020

Internet time and Windows 10?

For years I have used an internet time server to synchronise to internet time so I know my PC clock is accurate for modes like WSPR and FT8. I have used the one at https://www.worldtimeserver.com/atomic-clock/ successfully. I changed the  frequency of syncs so it does it quite often. I have never had a problem before.

In the last few days 2 different people have told me my timing is way off. Luckily, I still seem to get loads of QSOs and spots on FT8 and WSPR.

Anyone else had this problem recently?

It is almost like it no longer syncs to internet time or now does it very infrequently. Any comments most welcome.

Muntjacs - NOT amateur radio

On one of our village walks we regularly see Muntjac Deer, as the photo shows. We have seen them on 3 occasions in the last 5 walks on this route.

I think these were introduced into the UK in the 1900s. They are very common now. At night you can hear them barking. It sounds like a dog and goes on and on with the same note.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muntjac

Seen on our walk - NOT amateur radio

These flowers were seen on a recent walk.

10m WSPR

My 10m 500mW TX WSPR beacon is already working at 0530z. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1105z:  12 unique stations have spotted me so far today on 10m WSPR TX. Quite amazing.

UPDATE 1230z: Now spotted by EI7GL (594km) making the 13th unique station to spot me today.

UPDATE 1810z: Amazingly 65 unique stations have spotted me on 10m WSPR in the last few days. See table. I was clearly totally wrong thinking most people had stopped using 10m WSPR!  Not forgetting all these spots were on the tiny indoor loop in the shack!

Early start on 6m FT8 (real DX later)

6m spots of my
10W at 0611z
As I was awake early, I am already on 6m FT8. It is now 0550z. Some in Eastern Europe are working Japanese stations on 6m. Already there is plenty of Es.

UPDATE 1108z: Plenty of European and Asian spots of my 10W 6m FT8, but nothing from the Far East.

UPDATE 1307z: Just had 4 QSOs in quick succession with German stations. Lots are calling and working North Americans, so I guess the band must be open "across the pond". No sign of the Americas here yet.

UPDATE 1349z: 788 spots of my 10W so far and 509 stations spotted here so far today.

UPDATE 1930z:  In the last day, my 10W on 6m FT8 to the V2000 omni vertical has been spotted by 1128 stations with the best being UN3M (3553km) in Kazakhstan. Nothing transatlantic here sadly.

New version of WSJT-X

At the moment there is a release candidate for a new version. I think the full release of this version is very close, so I'll wait for this.

See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/

Lockdown restrictions - NOT amateur radio

In the UK, we have had lockdown requirements for some months now. Basically, people can go out of the home for essential shopping and exercise.  On Monday, the English government is planning to ease some of the restrictions so that at least some primary children can get back to school, whilst observing social distancing measures.

Quite a few UK scientists who brief the government are unhappy and think we should wait a bit longer so infection rates are lower and a proper "track and trace" system is in place. It is a delicate balance and no-one really knows. I think the main message is "go very carefully".

In the end this is a political decision. Personally, I think another few weeks would be better.

UPDATE 1330z: In my view we are taking a great risk by unlocking some lockdown rules tomorrow. I hope the government has the guts to really "follow the science" and not just listen and ignore.

Sunspots - Sunday May 31st 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0.  A=14 and K=1.

30 May 2020


On all bands I am now QRT (it is now 2055z).

10m WSPR TX has surprised me with 63 spots in recent days with 500mW and the indoor loop antenna.

On 6m FT8, plenty of Es, although today my 10W and V2000 vertical only got me QSOs and spots from Europe, near Asia and Africa today.

Back on 6m FT8 (10W and V2000 vertical)

After a few fruitless hours on 2m FT8 (no Es spotted here, although lots of stations were copying me, as usual, but not by Es) I have now returned to 6m FT8.

Lots of European Es from Iberia, Scandinavia and Sicily. Already being spotted by 44 stations within  15 minutes!

UPDATE 1500z:  Yesterday, I was spotted in Kuwait, Gabon and the Caribbean on 6m FT8 with 10W and the omni vertical. Will today be as good?

No 4m on European IC-705

Last night ICOM announced that the European IC-705 will not have 4m. See their website.

Maybe later with a firmware upgrade? Perhaps they ran out of time and wanted to capture market share before the competition? I cannot see other players not wanting this market. Without 4m this could dent European sales, especially at the price. It would be good if they could say it will be available later as a firmware upgrade.

2m Es?

Just after 1000z I turned on 2m FT8. I am hoping to catch some 2m Es.

UPDATE 1404z: Plenty of stations have spotted me, but no Es noted.

6m FT8 DX

Several Gs and others in western Europe are working Japanese stations on 6m. This is regular at this time of year. Sadly I am not copying these. I guess my simple system is not good enough. This is where a few more dBs would make all the difference. Imagine what difference 10dB could make.

Lots of Es to Europe and the Gulf states.

10m WSPR TX using 500mW

Overnight I stayed on 10m WSPR TX. I was surprised by how many spots there were even in the middle of the night. Even using just the indoor loop some reports were incredibly strong.

UPDATE 1402z: No less than 63 unique stations have recently spotted my 10m WSPR.

Sunspots - Saturday May 30th 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=3 and K=1.

29 May 2020

Bury St Edmunds - NOT amateur radio

Bury St Edmunds is a lovely East Anglian place. Unlike many places, it's not "up itself". The main people you're likely to see are locals. It has fine Abbey Gardens and the remains of an abbey.

Covid-19 hope? - NOT amateur radio

Today is the first time I can remember when Covid-19 cases in this county have gone down not up. This may be a blip, but it is a hopeful sign.


As yesterday, I am on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW to the indoor loop. TX is 100%, but the frequency is randomised every 2 minutes. No spots yet.

UPDATE 2120z:  Amazing! 29 different stations have spotted my 10m 500mW WSPR today. And I thought 10m WSPR was passe!

6m today

Already (last 6 hours) 607 spots of my 6m FT8 10W to the vertical V2000 omni antenna. Most spots are for EU stations by Es. Over 300 stations spotted on RX.

Spots of my 10W FT8 6m today
UPDATE 2115z: 1251 stations have spotted me today so far. For the second evening in a row I was spotted in the Caribbean. Also spotted in Gabon and Kuwait.

6m transatlantic finally

Spots of my 10W FT8 6m yesterday
For the first time since 2007 my 6m signal has crossed the Atlantic. Last evening my 10W FT8 to the V2000 vertical omni was spotted by FG5GH (6691km) in the Caribbean.

I am perfectly sure better equipped stations with more power and better antennas are capable of far more.

Sunspots - Friday May 29th 2020

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=1.

28 May 2020

TUI rubbish - NOT amateur radio

Yes, I know things are tough, but all we get are computer generated general answers saying how sorry they are.

We have now been awaiting our 70% refund for 12 weeks. To be honest, they have treated previously happy customers dreadfully. It is very unlikely I shall ever book with them ever again.

Wouldn't it be good to get an apology, not from a computer for regular customers? Our refund way before the lockdown was promised in under 5 days!! Basically my recent experience of TUI is inexcusably bad.

I also heard they had a bailout from the German government as well!

70cm activity contest

Regular blog readers will know that I have no real antennas for 70cm horizontal SSB, so I just use my 2m big-wheel that seems to match OK on that band. I have no idea what the polar plot looks like!

Usually (if I remember!) I go on for the monthly activity contest (UKAC) organised by the RSGB. Using 10W I am rarely on for an hour because of my poor voice and antenna. Although I copy far fewer stations than in the 2m activity contests, I do my best.

Despite everything, I am 53rd out of 142 stations in the AL (low power) section.

More cancelled rallies

The Durham District ARS Rally has been cancelled.

6m FT8

At about 1030z, I turned on my 10W 6m FT8 to the V2000 omni vertical antenna. At the moment (1036z) 16 G spots only with zero Es. Just one G spotted so far on 6m RX.

UPDATE 1100z: Es now evident with 37 spots of my 10W in 5 EU countries.

Part of BX6ABV logbook 
UPDATE 1322z:  About 5 hours ago I was supposedly spotted strongly by BX6ABV (9828km) in Taiwan.  Although he was spotted widely in the Far East, I am suspicious he could be a pirate. If genuine, this would be great for 6m. Parts of this station's logbook is attached.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

As it does not use the PC, I am again on 10m WSPR TX using

500mW to the indoor loop. Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised by the level of 10m WSPR activity.

UPDATE 1101z: No spots so far.

UPDATE 1922z: Time to go QRT. 5 stations spotted me today as the photo shows.

SpaceX launch postponed - NOT amateur radio

The SpaceX mission from Cape Canaveral to the International Space station, a commercial venture, had to be postponed due to bad weather. They are trying again on Saturday. This will be the first manned launch from the USA since 2011.

Japan on 6m?

In the first few weeks of June the 6m path from western Europe to Japan opens up regularly. This is a very long way. I recall a few years ago copying several JAs on 6m JT65. Personally I think this is indeed E layer propagation but not Es. I think it has something to do with E layer ionisation due to noctilucent clouds which form about now. Signals are usually weak and there in the early morning. This is a regular thing.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/noctilucent

Overnight on 6m FT8 with 10W and the V2000 vertical omni

As central Europeans were calling Caribbean stations, I turned off auto sequencing to see if I could get any transatlantic spots on 6m FT8. The last time I got "across the pond" on 6m was 2007 with 1W ERP of CW. I worked a K1 and have the QSL card to prove it. FT8 should be some dBs better than CW so with more power and FT8 I thought I had some chance last night.  Sadly no DX.

Sunspots - Thursday May 28th 2020

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 0. A=3 and K=1.

27 May 2020

The future of amateur radio

Southgate News has a piece from the South African Radio League (SARL) saying that amateur radio is as relevant now as it was 95 years ago. I'd like to believe this, but I don't.

When I was young, radio and whole idea of talking across the planet was pure magic. One had to become a radio amateur to be able to do this.

These days we can video with anyone on Earth using the internet for free. Communicating around the world is no longer magic. As much as we dress this up, this is the reality.

If our hobby is to survive and grow we have to engage people with what is magic for them today. If we do not, I can see our hobby just disappearing within 20 years as many get old and die.

I can see fewer amateurs, a declining market, fewer and thinner mags and fewer manufacturers.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/may/amateur-radio-today-is-as-relevant-as-it-was-95-years-ago.htm#.Xs5S-yjYq00

6m FT8 again

A few moments ago, I turned on 6m FT8 again with 10W and the V2000 vertical omni antenna. Already spotted by 25 stations. On RX 20 stations spotted so far. One QSO so far.

These stations are a mix of Es and G stations.

UPDATE 1046z:   62 spots of me so far today. 2 Es QSOs so far.

UPDATE 1257z: 141 spots of my 10W so far today on 10m FT8 TX.

UPDATE 2050z: 436 spots of my 10W in the last day so far. I see that several stations in middle Europe are calling Caribbean stations on 6m FT8.  Nothing here yet. 

Dry - NOT amateur radio

This month looks like being the driest May on record. Already our lawns are turning brown and the footpaths are cracked.

24 hours on 6m FT8

In the last 24 hours my 10W 6m FT8 has been spotted by 552 stations. Most of them were Europeans by Es. Although l spotted a Brazilian, my 10W to the V2000 vertical omni antenna was not spotted across the Atlantic. Plenty of QSOs too.

10m WSPR surprise

This last few days on 10m WSPR TX have surprised me. I was spotted by 14 stations despite the fact that I was just using the indoor loop antenna and 500mW. I had assumed that most people had moved over to FT8.

Pink Roses - NOT amateur radio

The pink rose in the photo looked like it was "stuck": there were buds, but we feared these were not going to come out.

In the last few days the flowers have started to bloom thank goodness.

Once again our grass is turning brown.

Sunspots - Wednesday May 27th 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN=0.  A=4 and K=1.

It still looks like we are running along the bottom of the solar cycle with little improvement yet.

26 May 2020

Roses - NOT amateur radio

The roses in the photo were in our garden earlier. At the moment, they look a picture.

Most people with roses seem to have them in flower now.

6m FT8

Although there were no transatlantic stations spotted here overnight, I see the better stations were calling Caribbeans.  I am active again now with my own 10W to the V2000 vertical omni. This has been spotted by 52 stations already and I have only been on for a short while. It is now 0950z. 30 EUs spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1250z: Several QSOs (all EU) and spotted by 107 stations so far today on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 2115z: Up to now 542 spots of my 10W 6m FT8 signals. Although PV8DX (7830km) has been spotted on 6m FT8 RX, no transatlantic spots of my 10W.


As for a few days ago, I am on 10m WSPR TX using the 500mW stand-alone beacon using the indoor loop antenna. This does not use the PC. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1249z: Several spots from Scandnavia.