31 Mar 2020

Sympathetically designed - NOT amateur radio

Near our church is a modern house which has been sympathetically designed to blend in.

Personally I think they made a good job.

2m FT8

At the moment I am on 2m FT8 using 10W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far, at 0900z 9 spots of me.

Spots of me to 1040z today 
UPDATE 1040z: 18 spots of me so far today.

UPDATE 1555z: Now spotted by 29 stations in 6 countries.

10m WSPR TX again

Once again I am on 10m WSPR TX using 500mW to the tiny indoor loop antenna. No spots yet at 0855z.

UPDATE 0910z: A spot of me by G4KPX received.

Covid-19 hope - NOT amateur radio

Although the economic impact will be huge and the death toll is still rising, there are little glimmers of hope.

Across the planet, companies are going to extra-ordinary lengths to design and make things in impossibly fast times. Although a vaccine could be some way off, there are trials of re-purposed drugs that might just help.

The rate of spread of the infections here in the UK seems to be starting to slow since social distancing measures were introduced. We are learning to work from home in many cases and are using technology to keep in touch with friends and family.

This could be a long haul, but there is a glimmer of light.

East Cambridgeshire 2m FM net

Last night, at 8pm UK time on 144.575MHz vertical (yes 144.575 FM) we met on the air. Several people were listening too. We welcomed newcomer to the net Martin G4FZM, who has yet to erect a vertical antenna. I used to work with Martin many years ago.

Put it in your diary: 8pm Monday 144.575MHz FM vertical, in the East Cambs area. Everyone welcome.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 31st 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0.  A=11 and K=4.

30 Mar 2020

Daisies - NOT amateur radio

On our walk earlier we saw several patches of daisies in the grass. They are wild and cheer us up.

Springtime - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, for most of the world, life is very hard and uncertain. Nonetheless in the northern hemisphere we are starting the spring season with promises of new life. There are lots of spring flowers and trees have that fresh green look.

In the autumn we'll probably look back at these days in amazement.

As I post to many places, I cannot remember if this has appeared on this blog before or not, but it is a nice cheerful image and I am sure you don't mind it appearing again!

UPDATE 1247z: The photo was first on on March 25th.

Cheese scone recipe - NOT amateur radio

These turned out very easy to make and excellent to eat. I have made a couple of batches and you might like to have a go.


  • Preheat fan oven to 180 deg C.
  • Weigh out 300g self raising flour.
  • Add 150g of grated cheese.
  • Add dried chives to taste.
  • Mix a little water and milk in a jug.
  • Add water/milk to dough and mix just enough to make a dough (not too wet) when mixed by hand.
  • Roll out dough to about 2cm thick.
  • Cut out scones with a cutter.
  • Add some grated cheese on top of each.
  • Place on an oiled baking tray.
  • Place in oven for 18 minutes.

Take out and enjoy, ideally warm with butter!

The original Tesco recipe used natural yoghurt.


As on the last 2 days, I am on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) using my W5OLF WSPR beacon to my indoor loop. Frequency randomly changes every TX period. This series of transmissios is more in hope than expectation.

If you can see me and upload to the WSPRnet database I would much appreciate this, even if you are local.  As yet, I have still to get any spots this year!

UPDATE  1104z: Spots! G4KPX (14km) Richard in Ely has spotted me. These are my first 10m WSPR spots this year. Thank you.

UPDATE 1230z: Just been spotted by OE9GHV (871km).

UPDATE 1530z: More spots by G4KPX. No DX other than the Austrian earlier.

UPDATE 2030z: Now QRT.

On 2m FT8 again

A few moments ago, I went on 2m FT8 with my usual 10W to the big-wheel omni. My technique is to sit on one frequency calling CQ and see who responds. A quick look on PSKreporter maps shows who is spotting me.

At the moment  (0750z) I have been spotted by 4 stations in 2 countries, but the power was only 6W. On 2m FT8 RX no-one yet spotted. Activity seems low.

UPDATE 0830z:  18 spots of me so far today. Best DX so far are spots by a couple of stations on the Lizard in Cornwall.   Just 1 spot so far on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1112z: 26 spots in 5 countries so far of my 10W to the big-wheel omni including GI and GD (again), Cornwall and GW4VXE (367km) in west Wales.

UPDATE 1235z:  29 spots of my 2m FT8 10W today so far.

UPDATE 1530z:  After a brief period on RX after a QSO, I am back on TX again. 34 stations have spotted me so far today.

UPDATE 2030z: 43 stations have spotted my 2m FT8 10W in the last day. Now QRT.

Amateur radio social distancing humour

We live in strange times. One radio amateur has added a dash of humour!

See http://qso365.co.uk/2020/03/social-distancing/

Oscar 100 activity

Every few weeks I give an update on the activity level on the narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite. At the moment, it would appear that activity levels are broadly similar to a few weeks ago.

This is just my impression and not very scientific!

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

Picnic time - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows one of my granddaughters out with her dad on a cycle ride.

Here they are having a picnic stop a few days ago. Her dad is taking the photo. I think this is the River Lee.

Sunspots - Monday March 30th 2020

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 0. A=7 and K=2.

29 Mar 2020

Life goes on - NOT amateur radio

On our walk earlier we saw several buttercups in flower.

Walks - NOT amateur radio

Nearly every day in these strange days we try to do a walk. We have probably walked further than normal. Today we went on a walk of about 2 miles and saw very few people. We chose routes that avoided seeing many people.


With my W5OLF 10m WSPR TX beacon and my tiny indoor loop, I am on 10m WSPR TX (500mW).  As yet, no spots received, although I am not too surprised. At least I can put out a signal on 10m.

It should be quite effective in the Es season, although this is a bit early. I am not sure how many people are still on 10m WSPR. When I tried WSPR on 80m I was quite surprised by the level of WSPR activity.

UPDATE 1503z:  Still no spots yet on 10m WSPR  TX .

UPDATE 1905z: Now QRT on 10m WSPR TX.  Still no spots all day.

2m FT8

Once again, I am on 2m FT8 (10W and the big-wheel omni). So far today (1145z) 20 stations in 3 countries have spotted me. Best is a spot again by GI6ATZ (479km). I am convinced this is some sort of scatter.

UPDATE 1225z:  22 spots of my 10W so far today.

UPDATE 1432z: Now spotted by 28 stations in 5 countries today.

Stations spotting me
on 2m FT8 today
UPDATE 2118z: 34 stations in 5 countries have spotted me today so far.

BBC weather forecasts - NOT amateur radio

From time to time, I have a moan about the BBC weather forecast. This morning,the BBC weather suggested a low chance of rain and light cloud and sun so we were going to do our health walk practising "social distancing". What did we get? Dark cloud, snow and rain! So we are still indoors.

As they say in the adverts, "if you want to know the weather in your area check the BBC weather app". Whatever the app says, probably the opposite applies!

Sunspots Sunday March 29th 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the sunspot number still 0. A=5 and K=0.

28 Mar 2020

Daily walk - NOT amateur radio

In the current lock-down conditions,we are encouraged to do some exercise not too far from home. Of course, we are encouraged to follow "social distancing" and keep our distance from others.

So, we chose a 2.5 mile walk around the village keeping our distance from others and washing our hands on entry into the house. We avoided touching things. Strange times.

The photo shows some of the things on the walk.

Cheese scones - NOT amateur radio

In these strange lock-down times, I tried my hand at making some cheese scones this afternoon. This was a very simple recipe and my wife's verdict? Excellent. 

I have to admit they were better than I expected. More will have to be made!

2m FT8

My 2m FT8 is on TXing (10W to the big-wheel) every 15 seconds. Already 14 spots of me in 4 countries. My best spot is by EI3KD (583km).

UPDATE  1853z: In the last day 51 stations in 8 countries have spotted my 10W 2m FT8.

Stations spotting me in the
last day on 2m FT8 (10W)
UPDATE 2240z: Now spotted in 9 countries today.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

Just now, I realised that I could use my 10m WSPR beacon on my tiny indoor loop continuously whilst going on 2m FT8 (10W) with another rig and the big-wheel. At this part of the solar cycle and outside of the main Es season, it would not surprise me to be copied by no-one! Still, it is ON and TXing. It changes frequency slightly every 2 minute cycle. I live in hope!

UPDATE 1900z:  No spots today. Now there's a surprise! I shall leave it on a little longer.

UPDATE 2005z: Now QRT on 10m WSPR.

More from OFCOM

OFCOM has just released its annual audit on the pay of different genders and ethnicity.  Although I am a great believer that gender and ethnicity should make absolutely no difference to pay for the same work, I question whether this is the best use of their resources and money preparing this. Just pay fair wages to all and get on with the real job!

See the OFCOM website for more details

South Devon - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows where I come from in South Devon. It is pretty unspoilt. For those that know the area, it shows Bolt Tail with Thurlestone Rock in the middle distance.

Sunspots - Saturday March 28th 2020

Solar flux is just 69 and the SSN 0. A=5 and K=2.

27 Mar 2020

Reading - NOT amateur radio

In the next few months many of us are facing lockdowns. This means lots of time at home. For many it will prove difficult, but thankfully we have technology to help keep us in touch. We can video chat to friends and relatives by Zoom, Skype, FaceTime and the like.

In the last few days many of us have witnessed great acts of kindness and generosity. In trying times like these, many are expressing themselves by great acts of selflessness. At heart, many people are very kind. Sadly, we often hear about the bad things, but less often about acts of kindness. When this sad chapter ends I very much hope we emerge as kinder, more caring, people.

This year, many houses will be cleaner than ever and gardens looking a picture. Pollution levels are dropping and the climate emergency will have a break. I expect the economic ramifications will be felt for years to come. I suspect many will question long supply chains and the chase for ever cheaper prices by making in low cost countries far away.

Many of us will be finding the joys of nature again and some will find solace in books. With visits to local bookshops and libraries not possible, many will turn to online sellers like Abe Books and Amazon.

At the moment I am dipping into a book written 300 years ago about a trip around Britain by Daniel Defoe. It is fascinating.

VHF scatter?

2m FT8 continues to amaze me.

Every single day I get spotted at great distance. Ranges are typically more than twice the range I can manage on CW or SSB.

At first I thought this was a mix of "flat band tropo" and aircraft reflections. As this sort of range seems to be possible at any time, I do not think aircraft reflection is likely. Another possibility is random MS. At the moment I am more inclined to think of this being some sort of scatter. Polarisation seems not to matter.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/2m-ft8

Quiet repeaters

Just now, I tried to access GB3PI with my little VX-2 Yaesu handheld from the lounge.  It got in OK with the 77Hz sub-audible tone.

When GB3PI first appeared back in the 1970s, it was very busy as were most repeaters. These days most repeaters are very quiet. Using Echolink I have accessed repeaters across the planet and this seems to be a universal issue.

I guess this is because people, by and large, can talk to others for free via the internet and smart phones. Also, I think people just chat less on the air.

Tonight at 8pm, the local club is having a net on GB3PI. This is because the Cambridge club (CDARC) cannot hold meetings currently. They have the blessing of the local repeater group for this.
Hopefully, this will generate some activity and keep people bonded. The GB3PI repeater at Barkway, Herts is well sited and uses a 77Hz access tone.

Although my voice is poor, I hope to call in and mostly listen.

Amazing 2m FT8

Although I have only been on 2m FT8 with my 10W and big-wheel omni for a few minutes, I have already been spotted  by 16 stations. Quite amazing.

UPDATE 0940z: Now spotted by 18 stations today so far on 2m FT8 TX.

UPDATE 1437z: 40 stations in 6 countries have spotted my 2m 10W today so far.

UPDATE 1655z: Now 45 stations in 7 countries have spotted my 10W 2m FT8 today. Incredible. Every day I get these sorts of ranges!

Sunspots - Friday March 27th 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=5 and K=2.

26 Mar 2020

More cancelled or postponed rallies

The following have been brought to my attention. Again, my apologies for the white background that probably makes these hard to read on some screens. These are as they came to me.


DOVER ARC HAMZILLA RADIO FEST AND ELECTRONICS FAIR Discovery Science Park, Gateway House, Ramsgate Road, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9FF. Open 9.30am for early bird admission, £5; 10am for general and disabled access, £3. Under 16 and disabled carer free entry. There will be trade stands, exams available on the day. Hot and cold refreshments available. www.hamzilla.uk.


CALLINGTON RADIO RALLY. Callington Town Hall, Callington, Cornwall PL17 7BD. Doors open 10am - 1pm and admittance is £2. There will be a Bring & Buy (10% commission) and trade stands. Catering available on site. Ample free parking in the adjacent carpark. Rally organised jointly by the Devon & Cornwall Repeater Group and Callington Amateur Radio Society (CARS). More information and bookings from Roger, 2E0RPH on 07854 088 882 or email 2e0rph@gmail.com.

Back on 2m FT8

Since about lunchtime I have been back on 2m FT8 with 10W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far today 22 stations have spotted me as far away as Northern Ireland. This mode continues to amaze me.

UPDATE 1420z:  24 spots of my 10W so far today.

UPDATE 2020z: 43 stations in 6 countries have spotted  my 10W 2m FT8 today.

Emus - NOT amateur radio

In a nearby village garden we have two emus living with chickens. They look pretty incongruous. They have been here for several years!

At first, they looked out of place, whereas now we always look out for them.

MLS mail order

MLS is a big UK amateur radio dealer. Although their showroom has had to close, they are still doing mail orders. They are talking about big price increases as a result of exchange rates declining.

15m Pipit QRP transceiver

Pretty sure this has appeared before, but not sure when!

Back in the 1980s I designed an 800mW, VXO controlled, transceiver for 15m CW. For quite a while this was the only rig I used.  As I recall it worked plenty of stations with a low wire dipole. I never seemed to struggle. The receiver was direct conversion.

It worked very well, and far better than I ever expected. It was first designed and built in 1984 and appeared in GQRP SPRAT in 1987.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/15m_pipit

Low cost ventilators and radio amateurs

The ARRL website has news of a collaborative effort to make a low cost ventilator to help battle Covid-19. Some very well known amateurs are involved.

See http://www.arrl.org/news/radio-amateurs-team-up-to-help-university-design-low-cost-ventilator

Sunspots - Thursday March 26th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0.  A=4 and K=1.