4 Mar 2020

Sunspots - Wednesday March 4th 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=6 and K =2.

3 Mar 2020

2m UKAC activity contest

2m SSB contacts this evening
Starting at 2000z is the March leg of the 2m activity contest organised by the RSGB. Because my voice is poor I usually manage an hour. This is about 40% of the time in the contest.  I use an omni big-wheel antenna and 5-10W.

Activity is usually high and, unlike many contests, this one is fun. Although I usually submit a log in the AL (low power) section there is no compulsion to do so and many just come on for fun.

UPDATE 2130z: With my poor voice this evening, it seemed very hard. I all 7 QSOs made with best DX G4RUL/P on the south coast.

Feline friend? - NOT amateur radio

On our walk around the village at the weekend, my wife managed this photo. Shortly afterwards the cat decided to run away. I think it was just checking me out!

Another loop

Jay, W5OLF sent me a photo of the loop antenna he has been using on 10m WSPR. The loop is quite small, but the wire diameter quite large, so it should be pretty efficient. For modes like WSPR, FT8 and PSK loops can be a good choice as they are small and narrowband.

OFCOM updates

As usual at the start of the month, OFCOM has updated its Communications Monthly. See the OFCOM website for details.

Expensive garden furniture - NOT amateur radio

This was on sale in Cambridge earlier. At not much less than £10k I don't think I shall be rushing out! It is a garden pod complete with padded seats.

15m FT8

A few moments ago, I switched to 15m FT8 after being QRT overnight. As of now (1000z) no spots given or received. I am using 2.5W from the FT817ND and the tiny loop on the windowsill again.

UPDATE 1645z: So far today 34 stations spotted on 15m FT8 with the best DX being ZS2EZ (9900km) in Eastern Cape. My 2.5W to the tiny loop was spotted by 5B60ALJ (3185km). Nobody has spotted me now since early afternoon.

UPDATE  1736z: Soon be time to go QRT on 15m.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 3rd 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0. A =5 and K=1.

2 Mar 2020

Village walk - NOT amateur radio

We went for a walk around the village today. The sky was spectacular.

Spring promises - NOT amateur radio

Everywhere we look now there are signs of spring. New buds on trees, blossom and, of course, as the photo shows, daffodils. According to the UK Met Office it is already spring.