22 Mar 2017

472kHz WSPR RX

As 10m JT65 got me no spots at all today, I QSYed to 630m (472kHz) WSPR RX this evening. So far on RX the best DX is DH5RAE (995km). ON7ZO (355km) is a new station for me, I think, on 472kHz RX.

To ensure a low noise floor, the PC is running on its batteries and the battery charger is not being used. With the SMPSU charging the batteries the noise on RX runs at S8. Just on batteries, the 472kHz noise floor is S0.

UPDATE 2138z: LA2XPA (1310km) is now the best DX on 472kHz RX.

UPDATE 2236z: EA5DOM (1525km) is now the furthermost DX on this band this evening.

Don Miller W9WNV DXer

If, like me, you are getting a bit old, you may recall some of the great DXpeditions of the 1960s undertaken by Don Miller W9WNV. He became a legend at the time. Later, some of his reported DX sites were questioned.

There are some YouTube interviews and his story is at http://www.k6qqq.com/the-don-miller-story-as-told-by-hugh-cassidy-wa6aud/ .

Just maybe, some are too young to remember him!

472kHz WSPR webpage

My main website at www.g3xbm.co.uk  has a new page on 472kHz WSPR.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/mflf/472wspr

6m QRP aurora

Shortly after 6m was released in the UK back in the mid 1980s I only had 1W to a simple wire dipole. This antenna was not very high and just strung from the gutter. I chanced on an aurora and managed to work some DX on 6m SSB, even with this set-up.

GB3RMK, the beacon way up in Scotland, was copied many times with this set-up on meteor pings on 6m. I used to leave the RX running and in just about every 15 minute period I would copy part or all of the callsign on CW. On 6m, auroras can be good.

On 10m QRP SSB I recall working the USA aided by auroras too.

365project - NOT amateur radio

For several years now my wife and I have (separately) taken a photo every day and submitted them to 365project. For $19.99 a year you can make the images private so only the people you choose can see them. You can then also have more albums if you want.

Some of the photos sent in are "arty", but many are just a record of ordinary life. Looking back over the years, you can see what you were doing.

Often the most mundane subject matter is popular. Some years ago I remember a photo of mine of a mole hole being widely viewed whereas something I thought would interest many turned out not to be popular in the least.

We mainly do this for a record of what we did rather than to be particularly popular. It is great fun.


See http://spaceweather.com/ .

We could be in for some auroras with a strong blast of solar wind over the next few days. This could lead to some auroral DX on VHF.

Heathers - NOT amateur radio

At this time of the year, heathers are in flower in UK gardens. This show was in a nearby garden. Sadly, they do not look so good all year around.

10m JT65 (2W)

Although I have been active on 10m JT65 since breakfast, no spots given or received on 10m so far.

A reminder that my webpage about 10m JT65 is at https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/10mjt65

This is a most effective mode for basic QSOs and beaconing. If propagation is there, this mode will find it, even with QRP.

UPDATE 1635z: No 10m JT65 spots so far today here. I shall be on for a few more hours hoping to catch a few locals if no DX.

UPDATE 1928z: With zero JT65 10m spots all day I shall shortly go QRT.

Sunspots at last! - sunspots and 10m Wednesday March 22nd 2017

Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot count is 11. A=26 and K=3. This is the first day with sunspots in several weeks.

21 Mar 2017

IC7300 - price drop time?

To my thinking, the IC7300 is still way over-priced.  It uses a much simpler architecture than the FT991A and the true price, even with the dealers taking a decent margin, should be well below £1000 especially with the retail price of the FT891 being what it is. Yes, I know they are different radios, but I want to see the IC7300 at a fair price. Dealers are clearly trying to make handsome profits whilst they can.

2m WSPR webpage

Based on my experiences with 2m WSPR, I have written a short webpage on my main site at www.g3xbm.co.uk . This is not a mode well suited to 2m and I recommend other modes.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/2mwspr .

Triggering Article 50 and leaving the EU - NOT amateur radio

On March 29th the UK government will trigger Article 50, which signals the start of the process to leave the EU.

Although it is in the interests of both the UK and the EU to come to a decent deal, the outcome is not known. I am sure that the people of the UK would have stayed in the EU if the EU had been prepared to "think outside of the box".

I am sure most in Europe want free trade but are nervous about uncontrolled free movement. The UK has a proud history of helping refugees fleeing from conflict. I am sure the EU is worried about other member countries leaving "the club". To me, this is old-fashioned thinking.

If the EU supported free trade and not free movement or political union, then the EU would have a rosy future. As it is, I think the EU faces a difficult future.

Rare sunny day - NOT amateur radio

We live in the last bungalow on the left overlooking the restored windmill. The windmill is nearly 200 years old. Today we have had a rare sunny day, although the rest of the week looks rainy. We are lucky to have a nice spot.

The museum, of which the windmill is a just a small part, goes on and on. It must be one of the very best local museums in the whole country. It is open from Easter to late October on Thursdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays. If you visit, you may be surprised by what is there.

See http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/ .

Sunspots and 10m - Tuesday March 21st 2017

Solar flux is 72 and the sun remains spotless yet again. Dire! A=2 and K=4.

Back on 6m MSK144 RX

So far this morning 3 stations in 3 countries spotted on 6m MSK144 RX. Best DX is DK8NE (704km). I think all these were aircraft reflections?

UPDATE 1715z: 5 stations in 5 countries on 6m MSK144 RX so far.

Martin McGuinness Dead

Martin McGuinness has died of a rare heart condition at the age of 66. In his younger days he was a key member of the IRA and wedded to violence.

In later years he was deputy first minister in Northern Ireland working with Ian Paisley and was one of the "chuckle brothers", showing that mutual respect between two very different people is possible.

I am sure to the end he was very much in favour of a united Ireland, but he came to realise votes not bullets would bring this about.  He changed, as did Ian Paisley.

My hope and prayer is that those that follow will walk in the path of peace. Jaw, jaw is always better than war, war. This applies whatever your political beliefs.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-39185899 .

20 Mar 2017

New page on my main website

As regular readers of this blog know, I have been very impressed with 6m MSK144 RX. Because of this, I have created a new page on my main website.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/6m_msk144

New Country on 6m MSK144 RX

OK1DNT (956km) is another new country spotted on this mode on 6m. If memory serves me correctly, this is the 16th country spotted via this mode.

I went QRT on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) at about 2000z. No spots (at all) on 10m today.

481THz NLOS (over the horizon)

Before my stroke in 2013 I enjoyed building and operating optical communications gear. My stroke has rather scuppered this, for now! Although I had one over 10km line-of sight speech contact with G4HJW/P, my main interest was weak signal, over the horizon, communication. I did tests at over 8km non line-of-sight using QRSS3. Although there was no evidence of the optical signal in the sky, the QRSS3 signal was clearly decoded on the PC at the receive end. Overall, I was left with the impression that much further would have been possible.

At some point I really want to continue this work. All my optical gear was home-made using material that was low cost and easily obtained. Test gear for optical work was simple and low cost too. In my view, optical work is more rewarding than microwaves and the test gear simpler.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/optical

St Johns College, Cambridge, UK - NOT amateur radio

Recently, we visited the Backs (of the colleges) in nearby Cambridge, UK. With all the flowers out, this really is a sight. This is in the grounds of St Johns College.

We really are quite lucky living so close. As residents, we get free entry into the colleges.

Sunspots and 10m - Monday March 20th 2017

Solar flux is 72 and the sun remains spotless (as in no sunspots rather than recently polished). A=2 and K=0. I think any sunspots appearing from now on will be a bonus!

See http://news.spaceweather.com/sunspots-vanish-space-weather-continues/

6m MSK144 RX and 10m WSPR TX (again)

Yet again I am on 6m MSK144 RX and 10m WSPR TX. So far, just Gs south west of London spotted on 6m, but no spots on 10m WSPR. I have been active since about 0745z.

UPDATE 0950z: No 10m WSPR spots still and no further 6m MSK144 spots as yet.

UPDATE 1050z: DF5VAE (904km) spotted on 6m MSK144 RX.

UPDATE 1430z: 6 stations in 4 countries spotted so far on 6m MSK144. No spots on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1545z:  7 stations in 5 countries now on 6m MSK144 RX today.

UPDATE 1735z: 9 stations in 7 countries on 6m MSK144 RX today so far.

6m MSK144 RX today
UPDATE 2100z: G3YDY (65km) is the latest station to be spotted on 6m MSK144. What amazes me is how strong all stations are. I think most stations have positive S/N ratios and the weakest is -3dB S/N. Even quite distant stations are strong. If random MS, this suggests the ionised trails reflect really well.  If aircraft reflection, the reflected signals are very good.

19 Mar 2017

472kHz WSPR RX

I have now gone QRT on all bands, but I am monitoring 630m (472kHz) WSPR. So far DF2JP (448km) and G8HUH (250km) spotted. As usual, I am using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground and the (deaf) FT817.

UPDATE 2140z: Not a bad evening so far on 472kHz WSPR RX.
Unique stations spotted on 472kHz WSPR RX this evening

10m in the quiet years

Firstly, 10m is good for Es (sporadic-E) at any part of the solar cycle. In the northern hemisphere May-August are the best Es months. There is a smaller peak around December-January. There are many theories about Es. Also, as mentioned before, N-S real DX can occur on 10m even in the quietest solar periods with no sunspots.

As 11m CB demonstrates, 10m is a useful band for local nets - the proverbial "natter across town". 4W from a converted CB FM rig regularly enabled me to work 30km with a CB halfwave antenna.

Another possibility is a derivative of my Tenbox AM rig. Simple to make and a possible club project? What was done before my stroke is a possible source of ideas.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/tenbox .

If you follow the link and click the schematic it will bring up a larger clearer version.

Northern Ireland - NOT amateur radio

One of the thorny Brexit issues will be Northern Ireland (Ulster). This has a land border with Eire which will remain in the EU. Currently, there is free movement north and south across this border. What happens when the UK leaves the EU?

Most unionists do not want a united island of Ireland. Most in Sin Fein would like to see the island reunited. I, for one, do not see how this will be resolved. Maybe a political "fudge" with the north somehow independent? No, I think Theresa May, the UK PM, has a really tricky issue here.

Where I come from - NOT amateur radio

My ancestors come from South Devon. Many still live near here. I have a continuous genealogy back to the mid-1500s and one of my ancestors owned a piece of land near here in 1428. It is good to think of them enjoying this all those years ago. The cycle of life goes on.

QRP and QRP Club

As usual, Oleg has reported on QRP Club:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,

Weekly QRP Rendez-Vous Report (March, 19, 2017)
Visitors  of  the  week: R1CAF, RW3AA, UR7VT, IK0SDA, UR5EFD, SM2FIJ,
See full Visitors and Frequenters lists on the Club 72 web page.
See full version of the WQR Report on the blog page -

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

This is a periodic Newsletter of the Club 72. Don't reply to Newsletter address! Send any requests or news to
mr72@club72.su please.

Mr Trump - NOT amateur radio

A lot of people in the USA voted him into office. "Make America great again".

As yet, he has still to demonstrate true statesman-like behaviour on the world stage. Mrs Merkel was not impressed! He will be judged by how statesman-like he is. Sometimes he will have to eat his words. We have not yet had him in office 100 days, so it would be wrong to judge him too soon, although personally I have not been impressed.

Why does he remind me of a certain European leader who came to power in the 1930s and who committed suicide in 1945? Caveat emptor.

Signs of life - NOT amateur radio

There are stirrings in the garden.

After what seemed like a long, dull winter the daffodils are in flower, snowdrops are past their best, there are buds on the trees and bushes. Only a few weeks hopefully and we'll see the first swallows back.

So, the cycle of life goes on.

Sunspots and 10m - Sunday March 19th 2017

Solar flux is 70 today, but the sunspot count remains zero. This is a long spotless period, but I expect worse to come! A=2 and K=1. As for 10m propagation? We live in hope!

The foreseeable future will see few spots, but N-S 10m propagation is still likely. Sadly people take a quick look, hear nothing and desert the higher HF bands.

UPDATE 1200z: With a spot by DK6UG (633km) of my 500mW WSPR on 10m, it proves there is still life on the band.  It would be good to get spotted outside Europe on 10m.

UPDATE 1206z: GM6NX (507km) has now been spotted on 6m MSK144. 5 stations in 4 countries spotted on 6m MSK144 so far today.

New country copied on 6m MSK144

EA2ARD (1010km) has been spotted on 6m MSK144. I am pretty sure this is a new country copied by this mode on 6m.  As well as 6m MSK144 RX, I am also active on 10m WSPR TX but nothing spotted.

UPDATE 1025z: 2E0EBM (65km) spotted on 6m MSK144.

UPDATE 1154z: G8HXE (221km) and EI4DQ (576km) now spotted on 6m MSK144. This mode on 6m never fails. Most days I spot several countries on 6m even with my V2000 vertical using this mode.

UPDATE  1200z: DK6UG (633km) has spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR. So there is some life on 10m.

UPDATE 1506z: Now spotted 8 stations in 7 countries so far today on 6m MSK144.
UPDATE 1940z: Time to go QRT on 6m MSK144 RX.

18 Mar 2017

Do violets like wet? - NOT amateur radio

This spring we seem to have violets everywhere! Usually we see some, but this year they appear to be all over the place! Now, we had a mild, damp winter, so I am wondering if these conditions particularly favour violets?

Also daffodils were late this year but suddenly they are all out in a wonderful sea of yellow.

This year we have had a wetter winter than I can ever remember. Perhaps this is a result of global warming?

Now on 10m WSPR TX (500mW)

As well as RX on 6m MSK144, I am now transmitting on 10m WSPR. So far, no spots on 10m.

UPDATE 1528z: 4 countries spotted on 6m MSK144 today so far (HB9, ON, PA and EI) but nothing yet on 10m WSPR.

K7RA and propagation

Someone far more knowledgeable than me about propagation is K7RA. Southgate News has a piece about his latest review of propagation.

See http://southgatearc.org/propagation/k7ra/index.htm#.WM0pWIXXLIU

On 6m MSK144 RX

Most of the morning, I have been on 6m MSK144 receive with EI and HB9 the best DX spotted so far.

As it uses a different antenna and does not need the FT817 or PC (I use the W5OLF beacon, which is totally stand-alone) I may well go on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) shortly as well as monitoring 6m MSK144. To be honest, I am hopeful about 10m, although I have no basis for this!

UPDATE 2200z:  Now QRT on all bands. On 6m MSK144 quite a few stations received here did not appear on PSK Reporter Maps, suggesting that I lost internet connectivity at the times they should have been reported.

Sunspots and 10m - Saturday March 18th 2017

Solar flux is 69 and yet again the sunspot number remains zero. A=4 and K=0.

Simple minds? - NOT amateur radio

This appealed to my simple mind. I first saw it on an email I get daily from Twitter. I do not use Twitter. For those who don't know, Liechtenstein is a tiny nation on the border of Switzerland.

17 Mar 2017

DX via noctilucent clouds?

These high altitude clouds appear most often around the summer solstice and support radar returns. It has yet to be tried, but it means very long distance UHF, SHF and microwave paths may be possible using these clouds. Who will try?

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/noctilucent .

Shoot yourself in the foot? - NOT amateur radio

When reading it, the White House spokesman did not exactly sound as if he believed it himself, to my ears at least. Claims that GCHQ helped Obama bug Trump in the lead-up to the presidential elections have been described as "nonsense" by GCHQ.

If Mr Trump is looking for credibility on the world stage, he should listen to evidence on everything and act on hard evidence. It is always wise to check facts. Take for example global warming. He does himself no favours by acting without reading and accepting the facts. Any leader must work from facts. A politician who does not is living in a bubble.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39300191. Oh sorry, the BBC is a "false news" supplier!

Kings, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

Today we walked around the Backs in Cambridge to see all the flowers out. I used to go to a meeting in one of the rooms (X6) in Kings (on the left in the photo) when I first came to Cambridge.