21 Nov 2016

November - NOT amateur radio

Today is just plain miserable! It is windy and wet and, well, November. It amazes me how fast time seems to fly. It will soon be Christmas again and the evenings starting to get lighter again. But I must not wish things to pass any quicker.

Colonialism - NOT amateur radio

There was a programme on the radio (BBC Radio 4) called "Start the Week" just now. Among the many items it noted how bad colonialism was for the indigenous people. Time and again we are fed a filtered version of events - basically what governments want us to hear. This is especially true in wartime, but it happens all the time, although we do not realise it.  During the Vietnam War we were brainwashed to think communism was always evil.

I make no judgements but urge us all to beware of propaganda. Both sides in the BREXIT debate were guilty. There is a general uneasiness in the general public with the people we put in power. This is true in the UK, USA and in many nations in Europe. The lurch to the right in recent times is, in part, a reaction to this. The people who govern us must be unbiased, fair and honourable people if they are to properly represent us. Sadly, I can think of not one politician that I think meets these high standards anywhere in the world.

OFCOM auction

OFCOM has announced an auction of mobile spectrum.

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/latest/media/media-releases/2016/ofcom-outlines-rules-for-mobile-spectrum-auction  .

 I am not a great fan of OFCOM but I respect the views of others that may well differ from my own.

Return to 10m JT65

Just before breakfast I returned to 10m JT65 (2W QRP). As yet, no spots given or received.

UPDATE 1034z: Still no 10m JT65 spots yet.

UPDATE 1440z: Still no 10m spots. Is this going to be a blank day?

UPDATE 1650z: With still no spots at all given or received on 10m JT65, I think this is going to go down as a very bad day, unless things suddenly change. At least with JT65 you have a chance, knowing that there are usually people looking. On SSB a quick "CQ" is unlikely to get a response.

Sunspots and 10m - Monday November 21st 2016

Solar flux is 75 today and the sunspot number 11. K=1. It is anyone's guess how 10m JT65 will be today.

20 Nov 2016

The O2 Arena (London) - NOT amateur radio

My wife and I were trying to remember the name of the man in charge of the Millenium Dome, which later became the O2 Arena. Google came to the rescue! I remember him as an affable Frenchman with a good sense of humour. His name was Pierre Gerbeau. He had a thankless task at the time.
Pierre-Yves Gerbeau in 2014

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre-Yves_Gerbeau

New 40m kit

See http://4sqrp.com/kits/Bayou%20Jumper/bjmanual11-4-16.pdf

There is a new kit coming out that is designed as a modern replacement for the famous WW2 "Paraset" spy transceiver. It uses a crystal controlled 5W TX and a regen RX. This is an American design. I have no idea how it would hold up in Europe. I have used regen receivers, but the biggest issue was knowing the frequency you were listening on precisely. I guess it would be OK for nets but I would not want to call CQ unless I was sure the frequency was really clear. QRP signals can often be weak.

Tree to ID - NOT amateur radio

This is something very common I suspect, but I am very poor on trees! If you know what it is please let me know. It was seen yesterday in a wood at Reach, Cambridgeshire, UK. It was a tree in a wood.

QRP and QRP Club

From Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,

WQR Report (November 20, 2016)
Visitors  of  the  week:  US3EN,  UR0ET, OH6NPV, DF9QV, EA6BB, HA7NE,
DF9QV and DK1AY became Honor Frequenters
see more here -
Welcome all QRP operators on the Rendez-Vous round table. See details
on the Club 72 page -

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

JT, WSPR and similar - just how low can these work?

Reading Amateur Radio Weekly there was a nice posting of a blog analysing weak signal modes trying to see just how weak a signal the various modes can decode.

See http://destevez.net/2016/10/simulating-jt-modes-how-low-can-they-get/?utm_source=amateur-radio-weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter

There are some modes here I have yet to try.

6m JT65

After an evening and overnight on 2m JT65B (no spots), I decided to give 6m JT65A a go this morning. Things were set up just before breakfast. My best spot so far is G6GEI (73km). The only spot of my own QRP 6m JT65 is from G0LRD (25km). I shall stay on 6m 50.276MHz JT65A all morning. I am running about 1W ERP vertical. My antenna is a V2000 Omni vertical. All reports appreciated.

UPDATE 1326z: No further 6m JT65 spots.

UPDATE 1900z: M0SGO (14km) and G0LRD (25km) were the only 2 to spot my QRP 6m JT65 all day. I'll stick on 6m until breakfast and then probably QSY to 10m JT65.

2m UKAC results so far

The results, so far, of the RSGB's 2m UKAC contest have just been published. My position has climbed to 78th out of 188 in the AL section. I run 5W SSB to an omni big-wheel antenna. It is rare for me to be on for more than 40% of the time because of my poor voice.

Although not a great contester, I rarely miss this one as it is a good test of my (limited) set-up and a chance to work a few new squares. 200km is my usual maximum. Well equipped stations with yagis and more power work a lot further.

See http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfresults.pl?Contest=144MHz%20UKAC&year=2016 .

Sunspots and 10m - Sunday November 20th 2016

Solar flux is today is 77. Sunspot number is 22. K=1.

19 Nov 2016

Time to QSY to 2m JT65B

It looks like the 10m DX has gone for today, so I am going to QSY to 144.165MHz (USB dial) JT65B. As always, all reports are appreciated. I'll probably remain on 2m all this evening and overnight.

UPDATE 1724z:  QSYed to 2m JT65B 144.165MHz USB dial at 1648z.

UPDATE 2204z: No 2m spots so far.

Images of planets around Alpha-Centauri? - NOT amateur radio

See http://www.centauri-dreams.org/?p=36621

Some alive today may see the first images of Earth like planets around our next nearest star. There are plans afoot to send a telescope into space to do this and even a chance of a probe visiting this distant solar system sometime this century. Sadly I shall probably being feeding worms and daisies!

70cm UKAC results out

See http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfresults.pl?Contest=432MHz%20UKAC&year=2016 .

Despite not having an antenna of 70cm (just a 2m halo), just using 5W QRP and being on for a very limited time because of my poor voice, I see I sit 121st out of 178 in the AL section. Of late, activity seems lower than in earlier months. I guess there are fewer portable stations active in the colder months.

USA on 10m JT65 this autumn?

So far this autumn my 2W 10m JT65 has been spotted in the USA just once. I have only copied others in the USA on 10m JT65 twice. It is proving much harder to reach the USA on 10m this autumn than in the last few years. Next autumn, I expect it will be impossible.

As the months go forward, there will be even less chance of USA 10m openings, although I hope USA and Canadians will come in during the summer by 10m Es on occasions. Es will soon be the only mechanism to work the USA on 10m. It may also be possible to work the USA and Canada by Es on 6m on occasions.

Improving my 10m antenna would help a bit, but if the band is not open E-W then it will still be impossible.

No, E-W DX on 10m will become rarer, especially as the years progress and as the sunspots decline. All the more reason to use JT65 or WSPR "in the background" to catch brief 10m openings. I love 10m, but it takes real dedication in the quiet solar years ahead. The easy option is just to slip down a few bands. But as real radio amateurs we like a challenge!

Slow Slide

Very gradually, we are on the slide to the next solar minimum. As I have said many times, this is NOT the end of the usefulness of our higher HF bands. Even with no sunspots and in the depths of the solar minimum, I have worked real DX on 10m SSB QRP with simple wire antennas. Es (sporadic-E) is good especially in the summer throughout the solar cycle. Of course, as 27MHz CB proves, 10m is always useful for local nets and chats. In my view, 10m is a most (possibly the most) interesting band we have. Sometimes it behaves like a VHF band whereas at other times it is open for worldwide DX.

See http://www.solen.info/solar/ .

Strange sight - NOT amateur radio

Before lunch we went to nearby Reach for a walk. We were surprised to see a couple of emus walking with chickens in a village garden. It just seemed so very odd.

Swaziland on 10m

3DA0AY (9199km) in Swaziland has been spotted on 10m JT65. Swaziland is completely surrounded by South Africa. I went there a few years ago. 10m is definitely much better than yesterday.

Frosty - NOT amateur radio

Although we have had a few frosts this autumn, the one overnight was the coldest so far. Even now at 1040z, there are still signs of it. I wonder if this will be the end of our sweet peas in the garden? They were still flower and it is already well into the second half of November.

10m JT65

The return to 10m JT65 was just before breakfast. I have been spotted locally by Richard G4KPX (14km) and I have spotted EW4TT (1688km) in Belarus. F2?

UPDATE 1052z:  Now EU7FBB (1931km) has been spotted on 10m JT65.

Sunspots and 10m - Saturday November 19th 2016

Solar flux is 77 today and the sunspot number 28. K=0. Already 10m is looking better than yesterday.

18 Nov 2016


As of a few minutes ago I went QRT. 10m was a great disappointment today. Will it be better tomorrow? 10m is full of surprises.

Autumn (again) - NOT amateur radio

We are fortunate to have several National Trust properties nearby. One of our best is Anglesey Abbey, which is about 4 miles away. In every season, there is something worth seeing in the grounds. At the moment it is the autumn colours. In the next few weeks the first daffodils will be out, then the snowdrops. There are acres and acres of grounds, some formal and some wild. Parts of the house date from the 1100s I believe.
The picture, taken on the "Winter Walk" shows a tree with incredibly tactile bark. Very many people just have to touch it.


More UK rallies:

Oasis Academy Coulsdon, Homefield Road, Old Coulsdon CR5 1ES This is new venue will open the doors from 10am to 2pm. Pitches are just £12.50 when paid in advance (£15 on the day) and access will be available from 8am. Admission is £1.50 and includes a tea of coffee. There will be traders, a Bring & Buy and a flea market. For more information or bookings, email enquiries@catsradio.org


Harewood House, Plympton, Plymouth, Devon PL7 2AS Doors open from 10am to 2pm and admittance is £2. There will be a Bring & Buy, an RSGB bookstall, Special Interest Groups and trade stands. Catering will be available on site. More information from Sheila Hart, 2E0YSH, 01752 668 907, email sheo@fsmail.net.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Sunspots and 10m - Friday November 18th 2016

Solar flux is 78 today and the sunspot number 27. K=0. I hope 10m JT65 is good today.

10m JT65

After an evening and overnight on 2m JT65B I have now returned to 10m JT65A. I also checked the PC was synced to internet time. It was.

UPDATE 1245z:  As yet, no spots given or received on 10m JT65. Disappointing.

UPDATE 1658z: Only UK spots of others so far today on 10m JT65. If I am honest, this has been surprising and disappointing as I was expecting greater things on 10m JT65 today. Best spot was G4CJC (73km).

17 Nov 2016

Storm risk gone, so now on 2m JT65B

As the storm risk seems to have moved away, I have gone back on the air on 2m JT65B 144.165MHz. I turned things on at 1943z. This time I remembered JT65B on 2m.

UPDATE 2202z: My thanks to G0LRD (25km) who has spotted me.

Storms later?

The early weather forecasts suggested we might have thunder here later. If so, I shall go QRT and disconnect everything including rig, PC and antenna. The risk may be low, but I am taking no chances. At the moment all is quiet, but things can soon change.

See http://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en .

UPDATE 1328z:  I have decided to go QRT.

Rally news

So, there are still UK rallies at this time of the year:

St Vincent de Paul's, Caldershaw Road, off Edenfield Rd (A680), Norden, Rochdale OL12 7QR Talk-In will be on S22 (145.550MHz). Doors open from 10.30am with disabled visitors gaining access from 10.15am, the event usually finishes around 3pm. Set up is from 8am. The entry is £2.50 with under 12s free. Further details from Dave, G3RIK on 01706 633 400 or by email to rally@radars.me.uk. [http://radars.me.uk/rally.htm]

A list of rallies can be found at

Sweet peas still growing in the garden - NOT amateur radio

It is now the second half of November and we still have sweet peas growing in the garden!

My wife cut some for the kitchen table only today. Normally, these have long gone. We have already had a couple of frosts, but they seem to have survived them. Quite remarkable. I wonder how long they will last outside?

Declining solar activity - don't give up!

There is now little doubt that we are on the slide downwards towards the next solar minimum. If the experts in solar science are to be believed, the next maximum may well be poor.

This is not the end of amateur radio on the higher bands. I have said before that I have worked some real DX on QRP SSB on 10m in years at previous minima and we now have weak signal modes like WSPR and JT65 to catch even the briefest of openings.

Certainly, bands like 10m are nothing like as easy as a few years ago, but there is often propagation when people assume the band is "dead". Also, don't forget Es is good at any point in the solar cycle. It is rare to find a day without some 10m propagation, even in the quiet years. Es tends to peak in the summer months but can (and does) appear at any point in the year as is proved with regular JT65 use on 10m.

Return to 10m JT65

Although I was on 2m JT65 last evening and overnight, I shall shortly return to 10m JT65 and do a manual resync to internet time "just in case". As we have a risk of storms this afternoon, I shall probably go QRT later this morning.

UPDATE 0932z: I have now returned to 10m JT65 and realised I was on JT65A on 2m - doh!!

UPDATE 0948z: EU7FBB (1931km) already spotted on 10m JT65 - promising.

UPDATE 1026z: My 2W QRP 10m JT65 is being spotted in Germany and Denmark.
UPDATE 1128z:  My 2W QRP 10m JT65 is getting spotted widely in northern and central Europe and I am spotting quite a few countries here too.

UPDATE 1328z: South Africa spotted on 10m JT65, but I have now gone QRT.

Sunspots and 10m - Thursday November 17th 2016

Solar flux is 79 today. Sunspot number is 18 and K=1. 10m propagation today? Anyone's guess!

UPDATE 1135z: Well there certainly has been decent European propagation on 10m JT65 this morning.

16 Nov 2016

Now on 2m JT65

As I think the DX opportunities have now closed for the day on 10m, I am about to switch to 144.165Mz (USB dial) on 2m JT65. I shall stay on 2m this evening and overnight.

UPDATE 1847z: Now active on 2m JT65. Any reports would be much appreciated. Please upload to PSK Reporter Maps if possible.

Long-tail Tits - NOT amateur radio

There are fewer small birds around these days in our garden and generally, but some have become more common in recent years. Great tits seem more plentiful and here in East Anglia the long-tail tit is the most common tit to see and hear. Only just a few moments ago when I was sweeping up leaves there was a flock of long-tail tits on the lilac in the garden next door.

See http://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/bird-and-wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/l/longtailedtit/ .

Among the larger birds there are more magpies locally. Going to work, I saw not one in nearly 40 years, although now they are plentiful. Little egrets can be seen all over the place but they were rare before the late 1980s. Buzzards are now widespread in East Anglia whereas they were once a sign we'd reached Devon. Since their reintroduction, red kites can be widely seen again.

There is no doubt that we see different birds these days.

2m JT65 tonight and overnight

As I think the DX opportunities have now closed for the day on 10m, I am about to switch to 144.165Mz (USB dial) on 2m JT65. I shall stay on 2m this evening and overnight.

UPDATE 1847z: Now active on 2m JT65. Any reports would be much appreciated. Please upload to PSK Reporter Maps if possible.

No South Americans (yet) on 10m JT65

It is now 1440z and, as yet, nothing coming through from South America on 10m JT65. I am confident that there will be South American 10m JT65 spots shortly.

UPDATE  1616z: Still nothing from South America surprisingly. It is getting late in the day and it will soon be dark here.

UPDATE 1818z:  It looks like no South Americans today. Maybe this is TEP and there was no propagation to northern Europe? I shall go into the shack just in case there are stations received  on WSJT-X who did not report to PSK reporter. No, everything seems to be in order - internet time sync, software and rig all correct, just no propagation here.

Shed cleaning - NOT amateur radio

Autumn and lots of leaves! Time to put the garden to bed until the spring and clean out the shed. All the spring/summer garden furniture will go away until the spring.

It is hard to believe I got 4 bags of leaves yesterday and 2 today before this picture was taken. And still the leaves fall.