2 Dec 2018

2m FT8 - 77 bit (latest) version

For about 10 minutes, I have been on 2m FT8 using WSJT-X V2.0 rc5. I have been calling CQ during this period at 2.5W to the big wheel. No spots. At the moment I am RX only.

UPDATE 1140z: Well, I tried an uninstall and reinstall of WSJT-X V2.0 rc5 and still no spots! In desperation I have gone back, for now, to V1.9. Immediate spots with best DX PA3FMP (298km)!

UPDATE 1207z: Since rolling back to WSJT-X V1.9, for now,  5 stations now spotted.

UPDATE 1328z: Now 9 stations in 2 countries spotted so far today on 2m FT8..

UPDATE 1415z: Now 14 stations in 4 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX. I shall probably QSY to 160m FT8 at about 1500z.

160m FT8

As many will know, I upgraded to WSJT-X V2.0 rc5 yesterday. Despite being on all night, just the 2 spots from last evening on PSKreporter. A check on the lab PC showed quite a few stations actually received.

There can be several explanations. Firstly, my internet connection may have been non-functional at the time these signals were received. Secondly, maybe the PSKreporter site was unable to accept my reports. Thirdly, perhaps my PC failed to upload the spots, maybe due to a bug? I use Windows 10 with WSJT 2.0 and have not had any issues in the past.

If you have any explanations, I'd be interested.

There may be other reasons. By the way, I always sync to internet time before each session and use a program to always keep in sync to internet time. Timing is definitely correct.

I have done a total reboot of the PC and will see what happens on 2m FT8 today.

Stroke update - NOT amateur radio

It is 5 years since my stroke. Although compared with many I am quite lucky, I still feel far from right. Outwardly I look well and few realise how I really am. Some would call this a hidden disability. I feel sorry for others who look well on the outside, but inside feel very different.

The latest thing is clumsiness. Now this may be my stroke or just getting older, but I feel more clumsy than I did. This last few months have been particularly hard. Driving has always been harder, but now I avoid driving whenever I can.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/stroke .

QRPclub Vestnik magazine

The latest online magazine of the QRPclub is now available. Although mostly in Russian, you may be able to translate it using Google Translate or similar. The schematic will still be understandable as will the tables.

See http://club72.su/vestnik/qv15.pdf

Latest solar data

The latest solar numbers have been published and these still think we are at the minimum. Time will tell. If we are at the minimum, conditions should be not as bad this time next year. It usually takes several years to climb to the next peak.

See www.solen.info/solar .

"As of September 2018 the strength of the polar fields hints at a cycle 25 with a magnitude slightly stronger than that of cycle 24."  From the site linked above. We live in hope!

Another site (NOAA) seems to suggest we have a lot longer to endure! Maybe all of 2019 at least.

See https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/predicted-sunspot-number-and-radio-flux

Sunspots - Sunday December 2nd 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the SSN zero. A=8 and K=2.

1 Dec 2018

Now on 160m FT8

As 10m FT8 was dire, I have QSYed to 160m FT8. As I was using an old "rc" version of WSJT-X 2.0 I have upgraded to rc5. Until others do so, I expect to copy many stations that don't decode.

UPDATE 1553z:  No decodes although plenty of stations. I guess few have upgraded yet!

UPDATE 2235z:  Just a couple of decodes, probably as few have upgraded. Plenty of stations on the screen. Will leave the RX on overnight "just in case", although until many more upgrade I doubt I'll get any more spots.

New version of FT8

Older "release candidate" versions of WSJT-X 2.0 ceased to work as from today. The latest version is "rc5" which is expected to be very close to the released version due soon.

With "rc5" a new protocol has been introduced. If people are using older "rc" versions FT8 signals will be treated as noise and will not decode. On 160m I have seen several signals already that have not decoded.

So, it is important that FT8 users upgrade right away to WSJT-X 2.0 rc5. Do it now!!

See http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx.html

The Moon and Mars - NOT amateur radio

It seems amazing that man first went to the Moon in 1969, even before I had started work. Whether I will ever again see man on the Moon, or even Mars, in my lifetime is uncertain. It would not surprise me if the Chinese did it first!

I see the USA is looking for commercial companies to get involved, presumably to save money.

See https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-announces-new-partnerships-for-commercial-lunar-payload-delivery-services

2m DXing

Amateur Radio Weekly has a piece this week about a recent tropo opening in the UK. Apparently most were using FT8 with very few stations on SSB. This is a sad reflection of how things are today. I am as guilty as any, sticking on FT8 most days because activity is concentrated and FT8 works with weak signals.

What is happening with FT8 is similar to the demise of traditional shops and banks. Many find shopping on-line is easier and better.

Christmas Fayre - NOT amateur radio

Every year, there is a Christmas Fayre in our village hall. As usual, there were lots of stalls and lots of people. Local things. As we are now in December, this is fine. If they held this in October, I would boycott it!

All quiet again - NOT amateur radio

The old friends that were staying here have now left, so the house is quiet again. It's funny how some people are "easy" guests who just make themselves at home. These old friends are like that. If they wasn't a cup of tea they will just make one. We like that.

10m FT8 - dead?

For about 30 minutes now, I have been monitoring 10m FT8. As yet, nothing at all spotted on 10m today. Let's hope things improve!

UPDATE 1505z: Still nothing spotted on 10m FT8 RX today. Really bad. I am using WSJT-X rc5 now. Soon be time to QSY to 160m.

Best yet on 472kHz WSPR this season

Stations spotted here on 472kHz WSPR overnight
Overnight was my best yet this season with 16 different stations spotting my 10mW QRP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Best DX was by LA2XPA (1310km) way up in Norway.
Stations that spotted my 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP) last night

Sunspots - Saturday December 1st 2018

Still the pits...

Solar flux is 68 and the sunspot number still zero. A=2 and K=1.

Definitely at sunspot minimum!

30 Nov 2018

472kHz WSPR

A few moments ago I returned to 472kHz WSPR.  It normally takes about 20 minutes for the transverter crystal to settle and the drift go to zero.

UPDATE 1830z: So far the evening, 3 people have spotted my 10mW ERP MF WSPR signal. All Gs.

Low cost spectrum analyser

This weekend is the MLS Hog Roast.

As part of their usual "something for the weekend" promotion they are showing a low cost spectrum analyser. It is years since I used one at work. OK, this is low cost, but covers 15MHz to 2.7GHz. Of all the test gear I ever used, a spectrum analyser was among the most useful.

10m FT8

Although conditions on the higher HF bands don't exactly look promising, I have returned to 10m FT8 for the daylight hours. As I have only just QSYed, no spots yet. Will I spot anyone at all? Only time will tell.

UPDATE 1400z: Just PD1DL (328km) and G4CJC (74km) spotted. I suspect the PD1 was by aircraft reflection.

Old friends - NOT amateur radio

Some old friends who moved out of our village several years ago are staying with us for a few days. The photo shows us enjoying a meal together last night.

What are they up to? - NOT amateur radio

We live next door to Burwell Museum and windmill. The photo shows 2 volunteers peering down the well. You may well ask why.
Well, they are hauling up the tray at the bottom of the well which catches money thrown into the well over the season, which runs from Easter until late October when the museum is open.

160m FT8 overnight

Although lots of Europeans spotted once again, far fewer North Americans spotted here. In fact only 3 USA stations overnight.

Sunspots - Friday November 30th 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 0. A =3 and K=0.

29 Nov 2018

MLS Hog Roast


ML&S Ltd, Wessex House, Drake Ave, Staines TW18 2AP. Sponsored by Yaesu, Icom & Kenwood the store will have its usual extra-low prices, lecture streams and manufacturers on site. Bacon butties for the early birds and a succulent pig in a bun for lunch! Doors open 8am and close at 4pm. For more details, see hamradio.co.uk/hogroast.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Special birthday - NOT amateur radio

My wife is 29 days older than me. Last weekend was a special birthday (21 plus quite a few!) surrounded by cards and flowers.

To Norway yet again on 472kHz WSPR

If I am not mistaken, last night was the 5th time I've been spotted in Norway this autumn with my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Yet again LA3EQ (769km) got me. Jan was using the suffix /MW, so I assume he was using a miniwhip. I guess he must have a decent low noise floor.

160m FT8

Having not long got back from Cambridge, I decided to go straight on 160m FT8. 6 stations in 5 countries spotted so far with best DX on 160m FT8 RX being RY9C (3706km) in Asiatic Russia. My brief CQ (2.5W) was spotted by no-one.

UPDATE 1540z: Now 21 stations in 8 countries spotted on 160m FT8 RX this afternoon.

Sunspots - Thursday November 29th 2018

Still the pits!

Solar flux is 67 and the sunspot number is zero. A=3 and K=0.

28 Nov 2018

Online books - NOT amateur radio

A reminder that a great many books are available on line, many free.

See https://books.google.co.uk

BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

Many in the UK have become bored with BREXIT, whether they voted to leave the EU or remain.

Unless things change dramatically, the Theresa May (UK Prime Minister) deal to leave the EU is likely to fail to gain MPs approval in Parliament in a few week's time. If this is the case (quite probable) we are in uncharted waters. The UK and the EU do not want a "no deal". At the same time, many MPs don't like the deal as it is now.

One thing is certain - we are going to be in a fine mess.

If the deal is rejected expect the value of the UK pound to tumble against the euro and US dollar. Import costs (including fuel) will dramatically rise although UK exporters will be better off. Somehow, I think a other referendum and a General Election are unlikely.

I suspect either some last minute changes in the deal (basically a fudge), we don't (yet) leave the EU, or more time is given to strike a deal.

Why doesn't the UK PM listen?

Straight to 472kHz WSPR

As HF conditions don't look promising, I decided to head to 472kHz WSPR early today. I have been on the band for just over 30 minutes. Time is 1111z.

So far a couple of stations spotting me : G8LCO (58km) and G0VQH (15km). No stations spotted on RX here - they must all be working!
Stations spotting me so far on 472kHz WSPR (at 1122z)
UPDATE 1540z: Just these 2 stations spotting me all day. I suspect these are unattended RX which are checked when the owners get home from work. No spots of others to this point. It rather suggests that trying 472kHz WSPR in the daytime is not worth bothering with. It will be interesting to see when the first station is spotted here. PA3ABK is usually a good bet. It is already starting to get darker here and it will already be dark in The Netherlands.

Our home - NOT amateur radio

The long, hot summer days seem like a distant memory. Now we have November with dull skies, wet and cold! It is hard to think the nights start to get a little lighter in just a few weeks! The mornings get darker until early January. The photo shows our bungalow now.

160m FT8 overnight

Yet again, 9 North Americans spotted on 160m FT8 overnight as well as Greenland and Asiatic Russia. I cannot believe just how many stations are now using this mode.

Sunspots - Wednesday November 28th 2018

We must be at sunspot minimum as conditions are so poor. Solar flux is 67 and the SSN zero. A=5 and K=2.

27 Nov 2018

QSY to 160m FT8

After another miserable day on 10m, I QSYed to 160m FT8.

A CQ (2.5W to the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground) got a reply and QSO from G3TXF (379km) in North Devon. In all, my CQ was copied by 9 stations in 4 countries. On RX, stations from all over Europe are coming through again with best DX RA9AJ (3901km) in Asiatic Russia.
160m FT8 RX this evening to 1930z
160m FT8 looking more like 20m!
UPDATE 1950z: OX3LX (2571km) coming through for the second evening.

UPDATE 2045z: WU1ITU (4831km) was first spotted here at 2039z, earlier than last night. This station is as regular as clockwork, coming through at about this time.

UK and Israel - NOT amateur radio

"International Trade Secretary Liam Fox is visiting Israel to boost economic ties ahead of Brexit" ... from the BBC News website earlier.

In my mind Israel is a puzzle. The Jewish people suffered immensely in WW2 yet their attitude to the Palestinian people seems so out of character. I do hope the UK will insist Israel treats the Palestinians better before we trade more with them. 

I know the Israelis will say they need to be recognised first, but compromise is needed on all sides. Israel was fighting in 1967 when I was about to go to university. I have been retired for 10.5 years and still there is no peace.

Grow up and act like adults!!

Trump - NOT amateur radio

Lesson:  Engage brain, then speak.

His recent pronouncement on a possible UK-USA trade deal speaks volumes.

History - NOT amateur radio

Parts of our village are very old. We are quite close to this cemetery.

10m FT8

After a night on 160m FT8, I have QSYed to 10m FT8. Yesterday 10m was truly dreadful - perhaps the worse day here in many years, so today can hardly be worse! As of 1040z there were no spots.

UPDATE 1045z: OH6NEQ (1860km) spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1222z: Now 4 stations in 3 countries spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX today. Not exactly brilliant.

UPDATE 1314z: Now 5 stations in 4 countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

Sunspots - Tuesday November 27th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number 0.  A=2 and K=1.

IC7300 sometime?

My XYL said, "why don't you buy a new radio?"

My favourite is the IC7300, although I am in no great hurry. I was hoping the price would drop, but at the moment there are no signs of this happening.

Quite a few dealers are offering "deals" with cashback, free covers or low cost PSUs. It feels like they want to compete on price, but they fear for their profits. Maybe ICOM is stopping the price dropping? Maybe the dealers have had a quiet word and have agreed to keep the price high? I have no evidence for this, just a gut feeling. Perhaps ICOM wished they had priced the IC7300 higher? Even with guarantees and VAT it is far less expensive in France.

The next stage is to get a cash price and guarantee details from the suppliers. At this rate, my target is to buy in the new year sometime, before the Es season. I am not really interested in dust covers: I would like a lower price for cash - no trade ins, with free delivery.