21 Oct 2018

Last night on 472kHz WSPR

Average night. No DX spots of my 10mW ERP outside the UK. The usual DX spots on 472kHz WSPR RX. It has been better.

Sunspots - Sunday October21st 2018

Solar flux today is 69 and the sunspot number zero. A=2 and K=0.

Slow start on 10m FT8

Been on 10m FT8 for about 30 minutes and the only station spotted so far is 2E0XXO (121km) in Lincoln. An early CQ (2.5W FT8) was spotted by no-one!

UPDATE 1430z: It picked up. Lots of EU stations spotted and a CT1 worked (2.5W FT8). VY2HH (4445km) on Prince Edward Island, Canada spotted on 10m FT8 at 1413z at a strong -10dB S/N.

UPDATE 1852z: Already 6 South Americans spotted on 10m FT8 RX as well as Kuwait and Ghana. A great day. 5 continents spotted on 10m FT8 RX today. 10m near sunspot minimum!
10m FT8 CQs earlier (2.5W)

10m FT8 RX today

20 Oct 2018

472kHz WSPR

As 10m seems to have closed, I decided to try 472kHz WSPR again (10mW ERP).

So far this evening, 9 different stations spotted on MF with best 472kHz WSPR  RX DX being LA8AV (1035km). On TX this evening best DX, so far, is a spot from G4PQP (100km).
472kHz WSPR RX so far this evening

Garden - NOT amateur radio

Autumn is here and we are getting the garden ready for the quiet winter months. Leaves are falling and soon there will be frosts. It was quite warm today, but these days will soon be gone. Next weekend the clocks go back and it is soon dark early. Every season has something good about it.

2m UKAC contest results

The results of the 2m UKAC activity contest for October have been published. Apparently my position has improved. Seeing I use 5W to an omni and usually stay on for less than 60 minutes, I am quite pleased. I do not take contests too seriously.

See https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfresults.pl?Contest=144MHz%20UKAC&year=2018

10m FT8

At the moment, I am back on 10m FT8. Best DX on RX is MU0WLV (374km) on Guernsey earlier. So far just G and MU stations spotted. An earlier CQ (2.5W FT8) was spotted by EI7GL (595km). Aircraft reflection?

UPDATE 1525z: Several stations in Portugal and Italy spotted this afternoon on 10m FT8 RX. Lzst night South Americans came through on 10m from 1800z. Last year on this date I was copying stations on 10m FT8 RX from every continent except Antarctica.

UPDATE 1715z: 10 stations in 4 countries so far on 10m FT8 RX today. All EU.

UPDATE 2057z:  I went QRT on 10m at about 1950z. No South Americans were spotted here on 10m FT8 today. Today was the quietest day for some time on the band. In the end, 10 EU stations spotted in 4 countries.

A good night on 472kHz

The last time I was on 472kHz WSPR I was disappointed. Last night was great with 9 stations in 3 countries spotting me and being copied in Norway for the second time this autumn with my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. I know this is several dB down on a "real" antenna, but it shows that even very compromised antennas work.
472kHz WSPR TX
On 472kHz WSPR, RX 11 different stations spotted in 6 countries with the best DX being IW4DXW (1190km).
472kHz WSPR RX

Sunspots - Saturday October 20th 2018

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN zero. A=2 and K=1. Typical sunspot minimum conditions.

19 Oct 2018

QSY to 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP)

The last time I was on this band conditions were not too good, so  am trying again tonight. 
Unique spots so far on 472kHz WSPR this evening
Still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

Action on 10m FT8 seems to have stopped for now, so I have gone QRT on that band.  I see GW4BVE was calling a station in the Falkland Is on 10m earlier on 10m FT8.

Grooming gang - NOT amateur radio

"During the three trials, jurors heard how the men - who are all British Asians of mainly Pakistani heritage - preyed on young, vulnerable girls, one of whom was described as having the mental age of a seven-year-old." From the BBC report.

I am most definitely not a racist. Many of my friends come from backgrounds other than white British. What really puzzles me is why every member of this gang is Asian. Is it something in their culture which makes them more likely to act in this way? It is inexcusable. Rather than pay for them in jail, send them back to Pakistan on the first plane. If they cannot follow our way of life, they deserve no part in it.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-45918845

Coax cable

It is many years since I last bought coax (2012?), so I am a bit out of touch on prices, types and sizes. Come to think of it, I must have bought some low-loss coax when David G0LRD installed my 2m big-wheel, but I cannot recall where I got this from!

Every weekend, MLS has some special weekend deals and this week it includes coax and coax tools.

See https://www.hamradio.co.uk/


This is a development of FT8 to allow longer messages. It is not something I have tried. To me, FT8 is enough, but others may be interested. I believe it is at release 0.75.

See http://js8call.com/2018/10/11/announcing-the-first-js8-qso-party-19-22-october-2018/


There is a lot of free software at this site for digital communication. WSJT-X is still in beta release with the full Rev 2.0 version due in December. If you want to try some digital modes, take a look.

See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html .

Living "in the moment" - NOT amateur radio

A lot of us spend a lot of our time worrying about tomorrow. Often, what we most fear does not happen!

There is a technique which may help. This has rapidly turned into a word for our time, but there is good science behind it. Mindfulness.

Sometimes we have to think about tomorrow, but perhaps we spend too much of our time needlessly worrying, when we should concentrate on enjoying the good things around us now.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindfulness

More signs of autumn - NOT amateur radio

This photo was taken by my son in Kent a few days ago. More signs of autumn.

10m FT8 again

Rather than 10m WSPR, I have again opted for 10m FT8 today. An earlier CQ was spotted by no-one and, as yet, no-one spotted! Not a great start I have to admit. 😕

Nonetheless, I shall stick with the band and put out the odd QRP CQ on 10m FT8 now and again. In the past few days, the best DX came through in the early evening.

UPDATE 1317z: Apart from a couple of German stations spotted this morning, all very quiet on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1410z: Surprise, surprise! A recent QRP CQ (2.5W) on 10m FT8 was spotted by GW4BVE (237km). No QSOs though. Tropo or aircraft?

UPDATE 1652z: G4CJC (74km) in north London spotted on 10m FT8 RX. No DX. A CQ earlier (2.5W) got no spots! Will we see South Americans tonight?

UPDATE 1949z: Only a single South American this evening here on 10m FT8 RX - PU5FGR (10026km). I am not sure if this was just a poor night or the end of the propagation for the season. At 2000z I shall go QRT on 10m as I think that is it for today. Just 6 stations, 4 countries, 3 continents today on 10m FT8 RX.  I'll try  again tomorrow.

Coming autumn - NOT amateur radio

Spiders web on the window earlier
It is definitely getting colder here. In the garden it now looks like autumn with leaves really falling and dew on the grass.  In a few weeks most trees will be bare.

The seasons are great: each has something special: the long warm summer evenings and snuggling in front of the fire on a cold winter evening.

Sunspots - Friday October 19th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number has returned to zero. A=2 and K=0.

10m Simple Sideband

My health has not been good for over 5 years, so work on this project stopped sadly.

The ideas were good ones and I am sure there is mileage for someone to progress these. What I really want is for someone to take this on and produce a really simple kit including a PCB and all the parts.

Every summer, such a rig would work right across Europe on 10m. In a few years real DX should be possible with modest wire antennas.

It would make a nice club project. First of all, someone needs to finish the development!

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/10msimple_sb

18 Oct 2018

Now 10m FT8

Every time I have looked recently, 10m FT8 has been "open" to South America early evenings. So, I have QSYed from 2m FT8 to 10m FT8. We'll see. My antenna is not too brilliant either, so I'm sure others will do much better.

UPDATE 1615z: Just a spot of G4DJB (128km) so far on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1750z: Several South Americans and the Falkland Is stations now coming through. 12 stations in 7 countries in 3 continents spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2000z: Now QRT on all bands. Yet again, loads of South Americans (14 in all) spotted on 10m FT8 RX today.

Local bakers - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday I showed a photo outside our local bakery that looked like a dead rat, but which was actually ivy. Should have gone to Specsavers!

This baker makes excellent soft rolls - far better than those at nearby supermarkets. They do a good trade in filled rolls to passing workmen.

Rallies this weekend


Downshire Secondary School, Downshire Road, Carrickfergus. Doors open at 12 noon - all welcome. For more details, please contact Liz Forde, MI6GHA, Club Secretary, elizabethforde64@yahoo.com.


Volunteer Hall, St Johns Street, Galashiels TD13JX. Doors open at 11.15am with disabled visitors gaining access at 11am. There will be traders a Bring & Buy and refreshments available on site. Admission is £2.50.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Grumpy old man! - NOT amateur radio

Yes, don't tell me as I already know - I have definitely become a grumpy old man!

When I was waiting for my Park and Ride bus earlier, it seemed that everyone under 25 was on their smart phone.

Disappointment on 472kHz WSPR

Overnight I was on 472kHz WSPR, but only a couple of stations spotted my 10mW ERP this time. On RX, I again spotted Italy and Norway. Perhaps the rising noise floor is clobbering my little signal? Or is the novelty wearing off and there are fewer stations? Often according to WSPRnet there are very few UK stations on TX on 472kHz.

RadCom article

Much to my amazement, my short article on FT8 has been published in November RadCom. I was hoping to see it in a few months, but this took me totally by surprise!

Sunspots - Thursday October 18th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and SSN=11. A=3 and K=1.

2m FT8

It never seems to fail! Yet again a CQ (2.5W to the big-wheel omni) was copied by 2 Cornish stations on 2m FT8 at around 460km.

At the moment on 2m FT8 RX 4 stations spotted in 4 countries with best DX DL2PK (448km).

UPDATE 1325z: 27 stations in 7 countries so far on 2m FT8 RX today. Best DX is DJ6GK (607km).

UPDATE 1620z: Another great day. Now QSYed to 10m FT8 RX.
Stations spotted today on 2m FT8 RX with a big-wheel omni antenna

17 Oct 2018


Until a little while ago, I had been out of the house. Now back, I have gone onto 472kHz WSPR (20% TX, 10mW ERP). All being well, I shall be on 472kHz until breakfast.

Return to 10m FT8

At about 1535z I went QRT on 2m and returned to 10m FT8. A brief CQ was called (2.5W) but no spots. So far no spots on RX.

UPDATE 1751z: 2 South Americans spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX. This never seems to fail.

UPDATE 2025z: In total 3 South Americans spotted on 10m FT8 RX. Is this conditions worsening?

HF and VHF FT8

Although not a great mode for chats, there is no doubt that FT8 has really taken off. DX that was once unimaginable is possible, even with QRP and small antennas.  I suspect many put their receivers on FT8, maybe endlessly call CQ, and leave it to see what comes through, looking later. Fewer people will just talk in the future, which is sad. There is even an automatic mode, so you can be gardening whilst your PC is having a QSO!

Certainly for me, real 2m DX is possible every day even with QRP.

The danger is people leave modes like FM, SSB and CW and move instead to FT8. Casual listeners will not "find" amateur radio as we did years ago.  How people "find" our hobby is important for the future.

One of my first experiences was accidentally hearing a local amateur on 160m AM. What are the chances of this today?

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/hf-ft8

Dead rat? - NOT amateur radio

This was spotted outside our local bakers.

At first I thought it was a dead, shrivelled up, rat that someone had put there to say, "don't use this bakers".

On closer examination, I could see it was ivy!

BTW, the bakery makes excellent soft rolls!

BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

There is no doubt that Theresa May, the UK PM, must regret the alliance with the DUP in Northern Ireland as it is they who are effectively blocking a withdrawal agreement with the EU. The sticking point is the border with Eire. Neither the EU or UK wants the return of a hard border.

When she held a snap general election we all expected her Conservative government to win an outright majority. Instead, her position weakened and she depends on the DUP for a slim majority. Whatever your views are on BREXIT, this is not a recipe for strong government.

In my view, as no parties want a "no deal" divorce, we will either get more time or a fudge.

Short amateur callsigns

According to Southgate News, OFCOM is now issuing 2 letter callsigns for intermediate licences in the UK.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/october/ofcom-now-issuing-short-2e0xx-intermediate-callsigns.htm#.W8bpO_ZFy00

2m FT8 for the day

It never fails! A CQ (2.5W to the big-wheel antenna) was copied by 3 stations including 2 in Cornwall. It seems Cornwall is nearly always within reach. I suspect this is my limit under "no lift" conditions on 2m FT8. With SSB or CW I'd struggle to get half as far!

On 2m FT8 RX, just 2 spots so far - a G in Kent and GM4FVM (428km).

I shall probably return to 10m FT8 later.

UPDATE 0936z: 9 stations spotted in 3 countries so far today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1021z: 15 stations in 5 countries so far today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1149z: Now 19 stations in 6 countries spotted today on 2m FT RX.

UPDATE 1530z: Now 35 stations in 7 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX.

Last night on 472kHz WSPR

Not as good as the previous night with less DX. My own 10mW ERP was spotted by 5 stations with best DX PA3ABK (306km) and I spotted 10 stations with best DX IW4DXW (1190km).
472kHz WSPR last night

Sunspots - Wednesday October 17th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number 11.  A=5 and K=1.

16 Oct 2018

QSY to 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP)

As 10m seems to have closed, I QSYed to 472kHz WSPR about 10 minutes ago. A couple of G spots of me (from the reports it looks like my transverter is still settling) and 1 DX spot on 472kHz WSPR RX: DC0DX (467km).

OFCOM technical advice

OFCOM has published technical advice on improving data access for rail passengers.

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/123657/Rail-connectivity-advice-DCMS.pdf

ICOM IC202 and IC202S

Probably few will recall these QRP portables. They were made by ICOM and followed in the footsteps of the Liner-2.

They had a very good VXO covering a decent part of the SSB band on 2m. Similar rigs were made for 70cm, and, I think, 6m, although I am unsure about this. I expect someone will tell me! (see below)

As you can tell, these had a very "military" look. Mine was mainly used at home, although some impressive 2m SSB DX was worked portable with just the whip antenna.

The quiet VXO made these rigs popular for IFs in EME rigs. I owned an IC202 and used it with a transverter on 10m too. Much DX was worked on QRP SSB.

UPDATE 1535z: Well, Bas (see comment) has pointed out the 6m version was the IC-502.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/ic202