As my QMX+ was already on 10m FT8 from yesterday, I decided to try 10m QRP FT8 this morning.
26 Jan 2025
10m QRP FT8 (Sunday)
As my QMX+ was already on 10m FT8 from yesterday, I decided to try 10m QRP FT8 this morning.
Watery world - NOT amateur radio
It is a watery world. In mid-winter it can be a bit bleak but lovely on a cold winter's day with a blue sky.
Being fenland, it is very flat so we can see our village church in the distance.
Wicken Fen wind pump - NOT amateur radio
Why are numbers down?
On Friday night our local radio club had its AGM. Some were there in person and many were on Zoom. One of the questions was why membership had dipped 33% in the last 12 months.
To me the answer is clear, although it is not one we want to hear. Amateur radio is mainly a hobby of old men. As we age fewer people want to venture out at night. Some die, go into care homes, become ill, or for some other reason amateur radio is no longer important.
At some point I took a screen shot. Most were grey haired old men! This is not a problem confined to amateur radio. My wife was in a choir for over 30 years that had to fold as most were too old. At the same meeting was a leader of sailing club. He said that there were too few young people joining. Many church congregations consist of old ladies. When they die or go into homes many churches will close as they will be unable to afford the upkeep costs.
With regards to our local radio club I suggested some time ago to hold all talks by Zoom and have a regular social meeting in a cafe or pub. This would mean no room hire costs at all saving several hundred pounds a year.
If amateur radio is to thrive we need to understand what "turns on" younger people. What attracted us to the hobby (the magic of radio) rarely works these days.
25 Jan 2025
10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)
As 8m was quiet, I put my QMX+ on 10m FT8.
UPDATE 2230z: So far, 236 spots of me. QRT now.
10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)
My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on after our walk this morning.
UPDATE 1443z: So far, 8 stations spotted today.
8m QRP FT8 (Saturday)
After a walk this morning, I turned on my 2W FT8 on 40.680 MHz from the QMX+ to the low wire dipole.
UPDATE 1542z: No spots. Probably, I have found out all I need to know about 8m. My main experiment was to find out just how useful really low ERP could perform on this band. It would appear that my 2W to a low wire dipole is quite enough to reach the Caribbean, USA, Canada and South Africa if the F2 MUF goes high enough. For Es, it behaves much like 6m. I am not sure I shall learn much more now. It is a pity more countries do not allow radio amateurs access to the band. As I have said many many times (I can say it no more!) just 5kHz wide, low power, narrow digital only, would be enough. It would appear the FCC and OFCOM (and probably the RSGB) seem dead set against this sadly. It makes you wonder what our hobby is really about.
UK weather forecasts - NOT amateur radio
UK weather forecasting is hard as it is where many air masses meet. Despite this, millions have been spent on super-computers to make it better. On my phone I have 3 weather forecasts. This morning they are all different! Looking out the window it looks sunny but cold. I think I will choose that one!
Why do they pretend?