23 Jan 2025

Previous intelligent civilisations on Earth? - NOT amateur radio

There was a post on Facebook earlier that got me thinking. 

The Earth is probably 4 billion years old and humans have maybe been around maybe 500000 years. What if intelligent civilisations existed in the distant past and then destroyed themselves without a trace? This is very unlikely as we would probably have found some evidence such as tool remains.

However, this could have occurred elsewhere in the solar system (Venus,Mars?) or on other planets in the universe.

Church tower (unusual angle) - NOT amateur radio

This is a view of the church tower in our village from an unusual angle. In places it is almost 1000 years old.

10m QRP WSPR TX (Thursday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on at 0932z.

UPDATE 1842z: 
29 stations spotting me. Now QRT.

8m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

My QMX+ (2W) to the low dipole was turned on at about 0934z.

UPDATE 1850z:  HI0SDR (7062km) has spotted me again. No other spots of me. Now QRT.

Sunspots - Thursday January 23rd

 Solar flux is 214 and the SSN 158. A=10 and K=1.

22 Jan 2025

Refused pardon - NOT amateur radio

It amazes me that the USA president has pardoned so many people who stormed Capitol Hill 4 years ago.  I see one woman has refused the pardon admitting that wrong was done that day.  

I have no right to interfere with politics in the USA. However, I observe how the rest of the world looks on. The USA does not look like a role model for democracy.

In these troubled times everyone in power must project honesty, kindness and a concern for the greater good.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvged988377o .

Kindness - NOT amateur radio

Each year, the Oxford English Dictionary chooses a word that sums up the year. Their most recent is KINDNESS. In these troubled times, we could all do with a lot of this.

Quiet village corner - NOT amateur radio

This is our local church with a fairly recent house (designed to blend in really well) with snowdrops in the foreground.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Wednesday)

My beacon has been on for a bit under an hour. 

UPDATE 1343z:  Spotted by 14 stations so far.

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

When I got back from Cambridge I turned on my QMX+  on 8m FT8.  Spotted by HI0SDR (7062km) in the Dominican Republic. Another 2W 8m transatlantic.