This is a link I came across when looking at videos about LongChat (see previous post). I think it was done before FT8 appeared. I think FT8 works down to about -21dB S/N although I have had some decodes at -24dB S/N.
23 Nov 2024
Sneezing and speed - NOT amateur radio
Two things I have put down to my 2013 stroke may seem bizarre to others. They are my perception of speed (as mentioned before) and sneezing.
For some time I have been aware that my perception of speed is "different" in that I feel I am going 20mph faster than I am. I was not aware of this in a coach until this week. On the way to London in a coach we seemed to be going very fast. In a car this is noticeable when I think I am going over 60mph and look at the speedometer and see I am doing less than 50mph and there is a queue of cars behind me!
The second thing seems trivial, but when I feel a sneeze coming on I always sneeze. I am sure this is different.
These are only mentioned as they are subtle artefacts I think of my stroke. Probably others affected by strokes have noticed other things affecting them.
London sights - NOT amateur radio
Some of the old buildings are known the world over.
We went there on Thursday with our village theatre group by coach.
6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)
Once my QMX+ initiates, I intend to try 6m QRP FT8 again. Yet again, it has not yet initiated. I hope there is a fix for this in later software or hardware as I am suffering this bug most times I switch the transceiver on. It otherwise is a very good rig that I enjoy using. On early production, I suppose this is to be expected.
UPDATE 1006z: The QMX+ has initiated, but I do not know how long it took. So far just 4 English stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 1347z: Spotted by 21 stations including 1 in Germany.
10m 500mW WSPR (Saturday)
Since about 0945z I have been on 10m QRP WSPR TX with my beacon. No spots yet.
UPDATE 1009z: Just 2 Finnish stations spotting me.
UPDATE 2039z: 23 stations have spotted me. QRT shortly.
The Shard: London - NOT amateur radio
Oscar 100 narrrowband activity
Every few weeks I take a peak at the activity of the narrowband transponder of this satellite. The last time was on a Friday early evening in Europe.
Activity continues to disappoint me. Whilst for some this has been an introduction to microwaves, I was expecting far more DXers to make use of this.
As I have said before, I think it is just too hard for many. The main markets of the USA and Japan do not come within the satellite footprint. This means there are no mass market "black boxes".
22 Nov 2024
Over the solar peak?
In my opinion we have just passed the solar peak. We can expect a few years of good conditions, but I expect the trajectory to be slowly downwards.