My 2.5W to a low wire dipole in on. So far spotted by G4FKI (60km) only on TX. Just 9K2YM (4721km) spotted on RX.
UPDATE 1511z: 16 stations have spotted my 8m FT8 today. When the sunspots are good 8m behaves like 10m.4 Nov 2024
10m 500mW WSPR TX (Monday)
My QRP 10m is on. I think most of my 19 spots are either F2 or F2 back-scatter.
Hollow tree - NOT amateur radio
Monday plans
As yesterday was so successful, I think I shall do the same as yesterday i.e. 500mW 10m WSPR TX and 2.5W 8m FT8. Let's hope for more E-W F2 propagation on 10m and 8m,
3 Nov 2024
Danish stations on 8m
Bo OZ2M reports that a number of OZ stations are now active on 8m using a LMR licence that has to be paid for and applied for. There are some restrictions.
I am totally surprised that so many PTTs seem dead against even a very narrow amateur radio 8m band, especially around solar maximum when much propagation research would be possible.
Perhaps they will grant it ....too late, years after solar maximum! I can imagine many committees, quangos and much bureaucracy!
Hamlife pages
I am told that this website often has the latest news on amateur radio. Perhaps we can just look at the photos or use Google translate!
See .
The American Dream? - NOT amateur radio
One of the things that those in the USA seem to be excited about is "the American dream".
This seems to be a belief that anyone can "make it" under capitalism. It is interesting that in the states of the old Yugoslavia, most I have met preferred it when all had a house and a job under Tito's liberal communism. Society was fairer.
Now, no system is faultless, but I am not in favour of greedy capitalism if this means trampling over others. I cannot condone any form of society where the rich get richer at the expense of the poor.
Yes, all should have equal opportunity, but I want to live in a fair society, where wealth and privilege do not bestow advantage.
In my view everyone is equal, whether you are a king or dustbin collector.
10m 500mW WSPR (Sunday)
My QRP 10m WSPR beacon has not been on long at 0943z. Already spotted by 9 stations with the furthermost TA4/G8SCU (3010km).
8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)
My 40.680 MHz FT8 (2.5W to wire dipole) is active. G4FKI (60km) has spotted me. On RX I have spotted G9PUV(158km) and S57TW (1236km).
UPDATE 1401z: 16 stations have spotted me on 8m QRP FT8 (see map) and I have spotted 32. 1 QSO with a station in the Canary Is.. I have never before seen 8m so busy.