27 Oct 2024

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My 8m QRP FT8 was turned on about 1000z. G9PUV (158km), EI2IP (607km) and S57TW (1236km) spotted on RX and my signal has been spotted by 4X1TI (3633km).

You get the distinct impression that 8m has "come of age".

UPDATE 1048z:  3 stations have spotted me today on 8m QRP FT8 TX:  G4FKI (60km), S51WX (1296km) and 4X1TI (3633km).

UPDATE 1144z: A QSO with ZR1ADI (9777km) on 8m QRP FT8 earlier. The map shows where my 2.5W 8m FT8 has been spotted this morning.

UPDATE 1222z: 
Spotted by WW1L (4976km). I am tempted to try 6m, but have decided to stick with 8m today.

UPDATE 1455z
: Spotted by 9 stations today. I think that is it, although I shall leave the gear on until teatime.

UPDATE 1506z: I totally fail to understand the really backward stand by the FCC, OFCOM and the RSGB towards amateur access to 8m. Just 5kHz at low power, narrow digital only,  would open the radio community to free propagation research. A few enlightened administrations have seen sense, whereas the UK and USA seem so backward (and frankly stupid).

UPDATE 1706z: 
11 stations spotted my 8m QRP FT8 today. QRT.

Roses - NOT amateur radio

We have some yellow roses outside our bungalow. I usually heavily prune these in March. 

They have several flushes and look good at the moment with several in flower and some in bud.

10m QRP FT8 with the QDX (Sunday)

My gear was turned on at about 0845z. At 0912z spotted by 47 stations.

UPDATE 0922z: Puzzled why I was seeing no RX spots of mine on PSKreporter and the RX spectrum looked all "watery" and indistinct. I reset the QDX and PC and all was well again. Not sure if it was the QDX or PC. 49 spots on RX and 58 spots of my QRP FT8 on the QDX.

UPDATE  0952z:  79 spots of my QRP 10m FT8 so far, See map. Think I should QSY to 8m.

Sunday plans

 At the moment my plan is to go on 10m FT8 with the QDX. Apart from that, no firm plans.

DX Explorer YouTube channel

This is a YouTube channel I really like. It is sponsored by PCBway. The videos are of a modest person from Eastern Europe exploring various aspects of the radio hobby. The one here is just an example.

Sunspots - Sunday October 27th

  Solar flux is 238 and the SSN 181. A=14 and K=2.

26 Oct 2024

10m 500mW WSPR (Saturday)

When I am on 6m, I keep forgetting that the 10m antenna is available so there is nothing stopping me beaconing on 10m WSPR. 

Since about 1515z, I have also been on 10m QRP WSPR TX. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1722z:  34 stations have spotted me with most in the USA. Compared with screaming my voice off in the CQWW SSB contest with 20 times the power, 10m WSPR is so much more civilised.

UPDATE  1750z:   QRT.

8m QRP FT8 (Saturday) - 6m instead

One of my intentions was to try QRP 8m FT8 today. Instead, I am sticking with 6m in the hope of some transatlantic 6m F2 propagation.

Slavery reparations - NOT amateur radio

The UK is in a difficult position over slavery centuries ago. 

The UK government at the time of the abolition of slavery in the 1800s paid compensation to slave owners but nothing to slaves.  

There is no doubt that many slave owners and their descendants years later gained benefits from this. I read somewhere that this loan was only finally paid off in 2015!

If we paid reparations now it would cost the UK trillions of pounds. There is absolutely no doubt about the moral nastiness of the slave trade. But these were in different times when our moral compass was far different. 

Should we be paying for the sins of those living in a different age?

QMX+ and new PC working on 6m FT8

The QMX+ works fine with my "newer" Windows 10 PC. 
Stations spotting my QRP 6m FT8 today

UPDATE 1730z: 35 stations have spotted my 6m QRP FT8 so far. The furthermost is Sardinia. See map.

UPDATE 1753z:  QRT.