26 Oct 2024

QDX and newer Windows 10 PC : all working

Stations spotting me on 10m QRP FT8 earlier with the QDX

Just now, I tried my QDX on FT8  with my "newer" Windows 10 PC.  Thankfully, all is working just fine. 

I may try Linux on the older PC, but on the one I am using I shall just leave well alone for now on the principle of "if it ain't broke don't fix it".

Primroses planted - NOT amateur radio

Most of the primroses bought yesterday have been planted (see photo). 

It is dull this morning, so ideal planting weather.

CQWW SSB contest

The CQWW SSB contest is in full swing and the bands look busy. 

After 1 QSO this morning, I gave up shouting knowing I could easily fill pages in the logbook. I shall leave this to others with better voices! 

The photo shows 10m looking very busy earlier.

Plans for Saturday

 Several things to do today!

  • Get the primroses planted.
  • Go on the CQWW contest at some point.
  • Get both the QDX and QMX+ working with the newer Windows 10 PC.
  • 8m QRP FT8.

Garden centre - NOT amateur radio

 This was at the garden centre yesterday.

Sunspots - Saturday October 26th

 Solar flux is 209 and the SSN 157. A=3 and K=1.

25 Oct 2024

BRICS - NOT amateur radio

Whilst not at all agreeing with the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, I can understand why many countries want to move away from the once mighty US dollar. 

It is my view that the 21st century will see a realignment of world power in which the USA will be far less important.

CQWW SSB contest this weekend

A reminder that the CQWW SSB contest is this weekend. 

Even without an entry, it is a great chance to work new countries and US states. With HF conditions being excellent, now is a great chance to have fun. 

In years past I have worked the USA with an indoor handheld with a base loaded whip on SSB with a few watts! I think this was 10m.

See https://cqww.com/ .

Newer Windows 10 PC

Currently on the "newer" Windows 10 PC which seems to be working fine with SignaLink USB and FT817ND. I should try the QMX+ later.

UPDATE 1318z:  As I have to use the 10m antenna to try the QDX, I shall probably try this and the QMX+ with this PC tomorrow. 54 spots of my QRP 10m WSPR today so far.

6m QRP FT8 (Friday)

 My gear has been on for about 15 minutes. So far, just 5 G stations have spotted me (at 1155z) and I have spotted 2 G stations here.

UPDATE 1814z:  7 G spots of me today on 6m FT8 TX. On RX the furthermost is DK5EE  (565km).