22 Jul 2024

European Es

At about 0900z, there is some Es in Europe confined to the central area in the main.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/

Plans for Monday

 In a few moments I shall probably try QRP 6m FT8  with the QMX+ and 10m QRP WSPR with my 500mW W5OLF beacon.

Not my idea of amateur radio

It is a good thing we are all different and find something different to enjoy in our hobby. Some enjoy chasing new countries where lots of power, a tower and a beam helps. Some like satellites, some EME, some amateur television, some just like a chat, etc..

In my case it is seeing where my QRP signal reaches with simple antennas. Each to their own. It would be a sadder place if we were all the same. I hope we can all continue to enjoy our hobby in our own way.

Sunspots- Monday July 22nd

 Solar flux is 185 and the SSN 200. A=9 and K=2.

21 Jul 2024

Joe Biden drops out of US presidential election - NOT amateur radio

As I mentioned some days ago,  I do not understand the USA. Apparently Joe Biden has dropped out of the race against Donald Trump. He had been asked to stand down by several in his party. On balance, I think he has done the right thing.

He has put his support behind his vice-president Kamala Harris.

Dalham walk - NOT amateur radio

Today, we had a rare sight this summer - sun!  We went for a walk at nearby Dalham with our son and grandson.

10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)

 Although my 500mW beacon has been on for hours, not a single spot received.

Bracket fungus - NOT amateur radio

 This huge bracket fungus was on a tree stump on our walk earlier.

Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows my wife at nearby Anglesey Abbey on Friday on a (rare) sunny day. At the moment this is probably the dullest summer I can remember. We have had far more rain than usual. Often the grass turns brown by now, but it still looks green at the moment.


Yesterday, I went on 10m WSPR with my 500mW beacon as the antenna was available when I was on 6m FT8. In all, 21 stations spotted me with the furthermost PT2FHC (8860km) in Brazil.