22 May 2024

10m 500uW (0.5mW) WSPR (Wednesday)

My beacon has been on all day. No spots all day.

If I had good results on 6m FT8 with 10mW, I would have expected some Es spots with 500uW on 10m WSPR. Perhaps the 13dB difference takes signals into the noise floor?

That famous plaque - NOT amateur radio

This famous plaque is outside the Eagle pub in Bene't Street  Cambridge. Within about 100m many world changing events took place. Rutherford split the atom, the form of DNA was understood, to name just two. The plaque was re-created recently to acknowledge the contribution of others.

6m 10mW FT8 (Wednesday)

My 10mW 6m FT8 was on overnight.  To my great surprise stations in Norway and Finland spotted me in the middle of the night. To be spotted at all at this time is remarkable, but with just a few milliwatts took me totally by surprise.

UPDATE 1046z: Spotted in Poland with my 10mW 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1424z: Spotted by 31 stations when I was using 10mW 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1555z:
  Spotted by 46 stations (see map).

UPDATE  2116z:  My 10mW 6m FT8 spotted by 47 stations. Even with my 15dB attenuator right next to the rig, 109 stations were still copied on 6m FT8 RX.

Sunspots- Wednesday May 22nd

 Solar flux is 191 and the SSN 146. A=9 and K=0.

21 May 2024

Few new radios at Hamvention 2024?

Apart from the hint about the ICOM X60, I have not heard rumours of new radios on the horizon from the likes of Yaesu and Kenwood. If my thoughts are correct (I hope I am wrong!) both these are having thoughts of getting out of the amateur radio market. 

Personally, it is my view that Yaesu has lost its way.  Nearly a quarter of a century after the launch of the FT817 the world is still waiting!! Personally I think they have, sadly, missed the boat again.

Going on and on!! - NOT amateur radio

Poinsettia plants are often thought of as Christmas flowers but my wife has one that has got new buds and goes on and on!!

Seen in Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

It’s good to see Jewish students supporting the innocent people caught up in the war following the horrific events of October 7th. This was outside King’s.

10m 500uW WSPR (Tuesday)

 Once again, my 500uW 10m WSPR is turned on although I am not too hopeful.

UPDATE 1410z:  No spots today.

The pattern seems to be that 500uW is not quite enough for most people most of the time. I guess many have a background noise floor that has to be exceeded. It is also possible there are fewer people on WSPR these days. I would have expected ŧo see far more WSPR spots by Es.

6m 10mW FT8 (Tuesday)

Once again, I am on 6m with 10mW FT8. Unless things improve, I am not too hopeful.

UPDATE 1356z:  Just 2 spots of my 10mW 6m FT8 today from Portugal.

European Es

Looking at the maps of Es reports, it would seem, at the moment. that Es is not as good as the last few days. As with all things sporadic E (Es), things can quickly change.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .