25 Jul 2022

8m experiment (Monday)

 With just one station spotting me yesterday and nobody on RX, it is getting harder now the main Es season is coming to an end. Later I hope to be on 8m TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 again. 

UPDATE 1220z:  Turned on QRP TX at 0833z. Nobody spotting me. 

Kingfisher - NOT amateur radio

It is now rare to see a kingfisher in the UK. When seen, they are usually a flash of iridescent colour skimming low across the water. Occasionally they perch on a low branch thinking about their next catch. They are totally unmistakable. This photo was posted on Facebook earlier. Brilliant. 

Sunspots - Monday July 25th 2022

Solar flux is 107 and the SSN 80. A=9 and K=1.

24 Jul 2022

Married 51 years today

We got married in a church (now a roundabout!) in 1971 in Yorkshire. 

This photo was taken today by Richard G3TFX at our local museum. Many thanks Richard. 

30 years old - NOT amateur radio

Our local museum is 30 years old and they celebrated the occasion today.

Consciousness - NOT amateur radio

As human beings we all experience consciousness. To us, this means experiences and memories. We have no comprehension of how other sentient creatures think. What does a pigeon or an ant think? Do they think? What is consciousness?

Linear time? - NOT amateur radio

We experience time as linear, running from the past into the future. 

We assume our brains store our memories. All this could be an illusion, with our experience just of now being fresh every time. We could have no knowledge of anything other than our experience right now. 

So, it is possible that we could unknowingly wake up as a Polynesian in 2000BC!! To us, this could be normal and totally real. We could also be a resident of the planet Zog in a distant galaxy millions of years in the future.

All I am saying is we could experience things very differently and must keep an open mind.

Extra Link

My free PDF book entitled "G3XBM Project Scrapbook" has been added in the Links sidebar of the blog. Feel free to download and enjoy.


10m WSPR QRP TX (Sunday)

As the 10m antenna is available I hope to be on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW after breakfast.

UPDATE 0900z:  QRP WSPR TX turned on. One spot of me from Switzerland.

UPDATE 1224z: 4 unique stations have spotted me today. 

8m experiment (Sunday)

After breakfast I hope to be on 8m TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 QRP.  We are still in the Es season, so I hope someone spots me. 

UPDATE 0900z: FT8 turned on.

UPDATE 1037z:  EA3ERE (1153km) has spotted me again.

UPDATE 1217z: QRT whilst rig cools and we are out. Hope to be on 8m FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial this evening.

UPDATE 1442z: On 8m FT8 TX again.