Solar flux is 176 and the SSN 153. A=6 and K=1.
17 Jul 2022
16 Jul 2022
Raspberry Pi with wifi
One of the areas missing from my experiments is computers. When it come to Raspberry Pi devices I know nothing.
Apparently a Raspberry Pi Pico is soon to be available for $6 that includes 802.11 wireless support.
It won't be long before some enterprising amateur does a complete 2.4 GHz transceiver on a Pi board!
Early blackberries - NOT amateur radio
10m WSPR QRP (Saturday)
As the PC, rig and antenna are free, I am on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW from the W5OLF beacon. So far today, just spotted in northern Spain. It is now 1000z.
8m experiment (Saturday)
Yet again I am on QRP 8m FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial. So far, spotted by EA3ERE (1153km). Nothing on RX.
UPDATE 1830z : 2 spots of my 8m QRP FT8 TX today (see map). Now QRT.Rally this Sunday
The following rally is due tomorrow Sunday July 17th. Check with organisers before any significant travel.
McMichael Amateur Radio Rally
15 Jul 2022
UK fuel prices - NOT amateur radio
Since the start of the Ukraine war ("special operation"? Who is he kidding?) wholesale oil prices have dropped back about 20% to close to $100 a barrel. Whilst exchange rates have got worse, the price at the pumps has hardly changed. It is still hovering close to £2.00 a litre for diesel.
It would be good if UK fuel prices dropped a bit too, as fast as they go up. I know oil company profits vary widely, but big profits right now seem immoral.