Solar flux is 121 and the SSN 88. A=20 and K=5.
8 Jul 2022
7 Jul 2022
10m WSPR QRP TX (Thursday)
So far today, 28 stations have spotted my 500mW WSPR on 10m.
UPDATE 1900z: 35 unique stations have spotted my 500mW 10m QRP today.
Bury St Edmunds Abbey - NOT amateur radio
Window time sync?
Usually, I sync my PC to Internet time using . I am not sure if later versions of Windows 10 or 11 do this Internet time synchronisation automatically and, if so, how often.
For some reason, I am unable to sync with this time server today, so I have gone on TX anyway on 8m FT8 and 10m WSPR hoping the PC clock is right.
If you know about Windows and sync to Internet time, please let me know.
The following rally is due this weekend:
Saturday July 9th Houghton Radio Club Free Radio Rally. DH46LJ. I recommend contacting Amanda M6LXK on 07787155745 to confirm details.
"Saturday 9 Jul - Houghton Radio Club Free Radio Rall : The Dubmire Royal British Legion Club, Britannia Terrace, Fencehouses DH4 6LJ.
Doors open 10am till 3pm. The rally is open to trade, clubs and private sellers/exhibitors. Table space is limited. There is no charge for tables and it is free entry. Donations are welcome to the Royal British Legion Club. Tea and coffees will be available and a licenced bar from 11am. Anyone wishing to book tables please contact Amanda M6LXK by. email: or call: 07787155745."
8m amateur band in the UK?
According to Keith in a previous post, OFCOM is supporting a proposal for a space based radar to measure ice thickness somewhere between 40-50MHz at WRC23.
Personally, I cannot think why this should prevent them allocating just 5 kHz in the ISM band, by NoV only, narrow digital only (no speech), strictly non-interference, to the amateur service in the UK.
Personally, I think OFCOM is totally nuts over this!! Self training? Traceability? T&I licences? Come on!! Get real OFCOM. For serious self training and research we need this. There is a critical shortage of RF engineers in the UK (I know first hand) and both OFCOM and the RSGB could help address this by giving us the chance of self training at 8m. As it is we have to pay £50 annually to do this.
8m experiment (Thursday)
After breakfast I hope to be on 8m QRP FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial. Yesterday was a good day.
Iceland - NOT amateur radio
We went to Iceland in 2011 and had a surprise. I was expecting a country that was rugged and barren. Instead it was green and beautiful. There were lupins all over the place.
6 Jul 2022
8m experiment (Wednesday)
Because I was out most of the day, I was unable to be on 8m FT8 until quite late. In all, my QRP 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 QRP was spotted by 5 stations this evening with the furthermost EA8BFK (2880km)t. S50B (1220km) and I exchanged reports and locations. Borut was probably stronger than I have ever got him.