17 Oct 2024


I deleted lots of WAV files from my PC (WSJT-X saves them all!!) and this allowed me to do a Windows update. 

However, for some reason, after doing a restart on my QDX I can receive OK, it does not TX on FT8. I checked this on my QMX+ and that does not TX either. It seems to recognise the QDX audio and CAT control works on the QMX+.

At the moment I am on 10m QRP WSPR with my stand-alone 500mW WSPR beacon (no spots on this as well!).

I think this must go down as a "bad hair day". In other words it's totally crap. My brain hurts!

UPDATE 1712z:  In desperation, I am doing a full PC reset to factory settings to see if this fixes it. The PC is really only used with WSJT-X.

UPDATE 2151z: For some reason the PC still refuses to recognise the QDX. Tomorrow I shall try with the SignaLinkUSB and the FT817ND which should work.  With Windows there must be some magic that I am missing to get the PC to “see” the QDX. Apparently it is all to do with the USB port recognising the QDX whereas with Linux there is no issue.

Upcoming rally this weekend

 The following rally has been notified to me. As usual, check details.

Saturday October 19th - Mexborough and District ARS Rally,  Conisborough, DN12 3HJ. Contact madarsrally@gmail.com  .

Amazon algorithms - NOT amateur radio

 After buying things from Amazon, I get bombarded with suggestions of things to buy of very similar items to what I have just bought. As an example, I recently got a new electric razor and I am now getting lots of suggestions for similar electric razors. Having just bought one, a new electric razor is the very last thing I want!

Surely their algorithms could be changed to exclude items similar to ones bought recently? This would not be rocket science.

Sunspots - Thursday October 17th

Solar flux is 168 and the SSN 135. A=15 and K=3.

16 Oct 2024

Sorting out the QDX and PC

 As we are out later, I think working on the QDX and PC will have to wait until Thursday now.

Lunchtime - NOT amateur radio

This lunchtime we met up with old friends. My wife used to teach with the husband in 1972. I did say “old“ friends!!

Plans for Wednesday

 Later this afternoon I hope to sort out my PC and QDX. As you know I had planned to do this earlier in the week, but events overtook this. 

Assuming it all works and there is no thunder (!) I shall try 10m QRP FT8.

QDX videos

There are lots of videos on YouTube singing the praises of the tiny QDX digital transceiver from QRP Labs. This is just one as an example. It really is tiny and for many it will be all you ever need on HF.

Last ones? - NOT amateur radio

We try to have a small bowl of fruit each morning with breakfast. For several weeks this has included wild blackberries picked from a bush about 25m away. 

I think the last ones have been picked for this year, but will see if there are any more, but I am not hopeful.


Yesterday I planned to sort out my PC and QDX. Instead I helped someone else with their PC and service provider. Can you imagine someone who is more ignorant about PCs than me!!? They exist! Later today I hope to do what I hoped to do some days before.