It looks highly likely that amateurs in the UK will get access to this additional slice of the 2m band later this summer. When it comes I shall no doubt use it, but feel spectrum elsewhere would have been much more useful for self-training in radio science.
Silly boy! I forgot - we only use ready-made black boxes on 2m and
very few amateurs have the least idea how they work. Self training is a nonsense these days. Oh and of course the revised UK 2m band plan will
still have no space for AM people trying to self-train. Sorry, but I fail to see how another 1MHz at 2m will really benefit any real radio amateurs, just even more space for black box operators?
I know I should be grateful for another whole 1MHz to use, but I really cannot get excited about this at all when the current 2m band is vastly under-used. Even in contests there is still plenty of space for all.
Personally I'd like easy access below 8.3kHz, access again around 73kHz and a new 100kHz slot around 40MHz. Sadly all unlikely. WRC-2015 may grant us a contiguous international 60m band and that could be useful.
UPDATE 24.3.14 1845z: looks like the allocation may be temporary and only available by NOV. See