It is probable that today will be my last day on 10m for a while as I am no longer gaining data by being active on the band. 500mW, even with my compromise antenna, is enough to be spotted all over the world. I may try MF again, 60m or even 6m for some TEP, although there is sadly very little activity on 6m in this part of the world.
Last night, my last spot with 500mW on 10m was
K9AN at 6505km at 2114z, along with others. I spotted other transatlantic 10m signals until 2134z.
This morning, my 10m 500mW WSPR is reaching
LZ1OI and
4X1RF only - conditions seem less good than recent days. I wonder how soon transatlantics will appear today? Sunspot count is 137 and conditions stable - looks quite promising.
I notice that
EX1UN (5423km) was being decoded here as early as 0628z today.
PA4PS (436km), in JO33 square, is being regularly copied, I presume by tropo or backscatter. My first USA report today (10m 500mW) was
AI4RY at 1228z at 6931km.