A friend of mine is building a Walford Kit "Fivehead" SSB transceiver. He has got the kit, but was surprised to find the parts placement was not silk screened on the PCB; I guess this is a cost saving measure.
Although there is a not-to-scale layout, a clear colour photo from above of the assembled board from the component side would help him a lot. He's asking Tim if he has one he could email, but does anyone already have one they could email me please?
25 Jan 2010
XBM80-2: a 2-way QSO and report
23 Jan 2010
Shortwave in the 1960s - interval signals montage

interval signals
G3ZJO in QRSS3 on 500kHz
Simple 80m CW transceiver

ERP on 500kHz (part 2)
Yesterday I did a recalculation of the G3XBM ERP based on the classic formula and re-measurements of my antenna current. My antenna is a 5m long vertical with a spiral top hat of about 7 turns about 1.5m x 1.5m. Not being clear how to model the top hat I assumed effective heights of 5, 4 or 3m. The measured antenna current is 0.12A. My results are as follows:
Assumed effective height 5m ERP = 1.53mW
Assumed effective height 4m ERP = 0.98mW
Assumed effective height 3m ERP = 0.55mW
So, I believe my 1mW ERP previously calculated is not a bad estimate, and it may indeed be lower than this figure.Assumed effective height 4m ERP = 0.98mW
Assumed effective height 3m ERP = 0.55mW
Rik ON7YD (OR7T) has just sent me this email:
"I simulated the antenna based on your description (with MMANA) and the current through the vertical wire seems to be quite constant. So the tophat works well and the effective height will be more or less the physical height. The simulation gives a radiation resistance of 0.074 Ohm, so with 0.12 A a radiated power just over 1mW EMRP (1.75mW ERP). In the real world it will be some dB's less (as Jim stated recently), probably something like 0,5 to 1mW ERP. Very impressive that it covers over 1200km."
JT4A mode on 500kHz
The next (operational) project is emerging from the mists..... Several people have started to experiment with JT4A WSJT mode on 500kHz. This allows basic EME/MS style QSO exchanges so should allow me some 2-way contacts on the band with my low ERP. Still to work out how to run the software though: when I tried the other night I could see strong traces but no decodes. Getting this sorted will be half the fun. Then I might try to mode on VHF too. JT4A uses a bandwidth of 17.5Hz with tone spacings of 4.375Hz and can decode down to -23dB S/N. This is somewhat less sensitive than WSPR but would still allow QSOs with quite a large number of the stations who've heard me on WSPR.
22 Jan 2010
QRP Books

QRP Basics by G.Dobbs G3RJV is a much better book and worth buying.
The Pixie Files

ERP calculation on 500kHz
I've recalculated my ERP based on a better measurement of antenna current. I was using a dust iron core for my current transformer, so swapped this for an FT37 ferrite toroid today and got a lot more current measured now. My antenna current is actually around 0.12A. My antenna is 5m long with a small spiral top so the effective height must be <5m. Even putting in 5m into the classic formula I cannot make my ERP exceed 1mW. I make it more like 600uW. Interestingly this is 20dB more than the original estimate from M0BMU and since then I'd increased the ERP, I believe, by around 20dB which would also make it 600uW. Of course the margins of error must be large.
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