16 Apr 2024

Laburnum - NOT amateur radio


This is coming out now. This photo was taken about 300m from our home.

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

 My 2.5W FT8 to the V2000 vertical antenna is on, but just 5 English spots so far.

10m QRPP WSPR (Tuesday)

My 500uW (0.5mW) 10m WSPR beacon has been on all day. I suspect conditions are not good enough.

UPDATE 1354z:   No spots.

630m QRP WSPR overnight

An average session last night with 8 stations spotting my 10mW ERP (measured) WSPR from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground with no DX.

Foxton CRG rally postponed this weekend

Because of the ground being waterlogged, the Foxton (near Cambridge) CRG rally has been postponed until the summer.

Sunspots - Tuesday April 16th

 Solar flux is 192 and the SSN 193. A=8 and K=4.

15 Apr 2024

What is reality? - NOT amateur radio

Recently I attended a University of the Third Age series of lectures given by an ex-professor at King's College, London. 

One of the things he said was people had modelled how people see. Our brain "sees" an interpretation of reality. When fed with true reality, it led to societies collapsing!!  Perhaps it is better not to see the whole truth!

Optical illusion - NOT amateur radio

This optical illusion (actually 2 circles) was seen recently. 

It certainly messed up my head! 

10m 500uW WSPR (Monday)

 As for the last few weeks, I am on 10m WSPR with my 500uW beacon. Yesterday was quite successful and conditions today look promising. No spots yet though.

UPDATE 1212z: 5 spots so far today.

Sunday breakfast - NOT amateur radio


This was my breakfast yesterday. I have a cooked breakfast 3 days a week usually.

8m FT8 RX

This morning I am monitoring 40.680 MHz RX. I am hoping to spot a station in Bedfordshire. So far, I have had no success on FT8 or WSPR.

630m QRP WSPR overnight

A very average session with no real DX. Just 8 stations spotting my 10mW ERP WSPR from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground with the furthest GM.

Sunspots - Monday April 15th

Solar flux is 178 and the SSN 152. A=6 and K=2.

14 Apr 2024

Still to see one - NOT amateur radio

Swallows are returning from Africa. There are some about in East Anglia, although I have yet to see one. 

Last year there were fewer. Swift numbers seemed to hold up.

Western values? - NOT amateur radio

In the "west" we seem to value democracy, although the rich get richer and the poor poorer.  Unfettered capitalism is overdone. 

Yes, people cannot rely on hand-outs from a welfare society - they have to forge their own paths and work hard - but in my view, poorer people are getting a raw deal. 

It is my view that the days of those of us in the "west" thinking we are always right are drawing to a close. I hope a fair and just world comes sooner rather than later.  

All systems have faults, but let us get the best from each so that all of mankind can benefit.

70cm activity contest last Tuesday

My entry (never a winning score with just 2 QSOs, 10W, short period on air and a 2m omni antenna!) was submitted this morning. 

It is my view that this 70cm UKAC is on the wane with fewer people active. The 70cm FT8 activity contest on the other hand is "humming". It looks like many people prefer FT8 to SSB these days. FT8 works with far weaker signals, but like so much these days, it has less human interaction. 

We seem to becoming a society with far less human contact sadly.

Am I alone in thinking impersonal AI call centres are a pain?  "Say in your own words what you are calling about". "You want to talk about xxx. Is that correct?".  Say "yes" or "no". Actually I would rather speak with a human being!

Spring flowers - NOT amateur radio

It is great to see the spring flowers. If I am honest, this is my favourite season, although every season has good points.

6m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My 2.5W to the V2000 vertical omni antenna was turned on at about 0755z. So far (at 0806z) 4 English stations spotting me.

UPDATE 1143z:  9 spots of my QRP including one from Germany.

UPDATE 1535z: 13 spots of my QRP 6m FT8 today (see map).

500uW 10m WSPR (Sunday)

My beacon (with the PA off) was turned on at about 0755z.  I wonder if I shall be spotted in the USA today with QRPP?

UPDATE 0900z: Just a single spot by EA8BFK (2880km).

UPDATE 1548z:
9 spots only from the Canaries so far today (see table).

UPDATE 2155z: 22 spots of me today but all from the Canary Islands.


 Without this man things would have been very different. I often wonder, say, if radio had been been discovered centuries earlier.