16 Mar 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

Once again, I am on 6m FT8 with my 2.5W and V2000 vertical omni antenna. At 1005z, 7 English stations have spotted me. On RX 3 English stations have been spotted.

The impression I am getting is that activity on 6m has picked up. Perhaps people are expecting some Es or TEP?

UPDATE 1014z: Still 7 English spots of me.

UPDATE 1456z:  16 stations have spotted me, including one in Sweden.

UPDATE 1857z:   19 stations have spotted me today. QSYing to 630m QRP WSPR shortly.

10m QRPP (Saturday)

Although I think spots are very unlikely today, I am again on 10m WSPR with 500uW (0.5mW). No spots at 1001z.

UPDATE 1421z:  It pays to set expectations low. Two spots of my 500uW (0.5mW) when I was not expecting any! I shall remain at 500uW on 10m WSPR all day.

Sunspots - Saturday March 16th

 Solar flux is 129 and the SSN 49.  A=8 and K=0.

15 Mar 2024

630m QRP WSPR (Friday)

As is my usual pattern, I have QSYed to 630m WSPR with my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

UPDATE 1935z:  4 stations in England have spotted me. 

UPDATE 2030z:  6 stations have spotted me so far this evening (see table).

In praise of Amazon - NOT amateur radio

Amazon is like Marmite, the UK yeast spread. Some absolutely hate Amazon thinking it is killing independent bookshops. On the other hand one may order a book in seconds and it is on your doorstep or in your postbox the next day.

For 2 weeks, I have been trying to buy my sister-in-law's new children's book from multiple bookshops in Cambridge without success. I saw it was available from Amazon and it was here next day.

Retail is changing and nothing will stop this. Like many, I enjoy going into a physical bookshop and leafing through a book. However, the convenience of online shopping is very compelling.

Fixing that 8m dipole

My PL259 plugs have arrived. The 50 ohm coax and everything needed to replace my 8m dipole is at hand. Erection should really be trivial, but ladder work is far harder these days.

Until my TX permit expires early next month I hope to use 2.5W. After that I may try 10mW ERP 8m WSPR which does not require an 8m TX permit in the UK. As long as people are monitoring, much of Europe should be possible.  Tests at similar powers have reached the USA on 10m WSPR. One of the issues on 8m is there are far fewer monitors than on 10m.

This would be an interesting test. Sadly, the attenuator would also be in circuit on RX too making the RX deafer.

I guess some local tests would be useful to ensure all is well. At the moment I am unsure what callsign to use for these 10mW 8m tests.

Anglesey Abbey, near Cambridge, yesterday - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows Anglesey Abbey, near Cambridge, yesterday where we went for a walk with friends we met at university in 1967. 

It was very muddy and mild. Someone told me that as the planet warms, we can expect more clouds and more rain in the UK. Certainly we have had a lot of rain in the last few years.

Return to sailing ships? - NOT amateur radio

In a bid to reduce carbon emissions, we may see a return to sailing ships. 

I guess some sort of hybrid propulsion is likely with use of the wind in open seas. The advantages of wind would be less pollution and lower transport costs.

6m QRP FT8 (Friday)

So far, at 1453z, my 2.5W 6m FT8 to the V2000 omni antenna has been spotted by 8 English stations. Here, on RX 10 stations have been spotted with the best Germany.

6m FT8 RX today
UPDATE 1714z: 10 stations (all in England) have spotted my QRP 6m FT8 and I have spotted 16 with the best northern Spain. Even well outside the Es season, I manage to spot stations in mainland Europe.  Not sure of the propagation mode. The map shows the stations received here on 6m FT8 today.

Rallies this Sunday

The following rallies have been notified to me. I always recommend checking first if going any distance to avoid disappointment.

Sunday March 17th - Callington Radio and Electronics Rally, Callington, Cornwall, PL17 7BD.  Contact alastair.kerr1@btinternet.com 

Sunday  March 17th -  Grantham ARC annual  Radio and Electronics Rally, Grantham.  Contact rally@garc.org.uk .

Sunday 17 Mar - Pencoed & District Amateur Radio Club Radio Rally, Bridgend, CF32 9NY. Contact Leuan Jones on 07791709691.