3 Jan 2024

630m QRP WSPR overnight

In all, 14 stations spotted my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in  the ground. No great DX.

Sunspots - Wednesday Jan 3rd

 Solar flux is 142 and the SSN 59.  A=8 and K=1.

2 Jan 2024

2m activity contest UKAC (Tuesday)

In the end I gave up after working just one station at 105km with my 10W pep to the omni antenna. Usually I work 5-10 stations in about 40 minutes. 

The low level of activity is probably for several reasons. Firstly many may just have forgotten thinking today was a Monday. Some may prefer FT8 these days. Also, the wind in the UK has been very strong, so there are probably fewer /P stations out this evening.

Granddaughter - NOT amateur radio

Our ballet bonkers granddaughter is usually very lively. Here she is in pensive mood.

630m QRP WSPR (Tuesday)

At 1907z, I have been on for a couple of hours. So far, 6 stations have spotted my 10mW ERP.

UPDATE 2047z:  10 stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 2205z:   
The map shows the stations spotting me this evening.

Electric cars - NOT amateur radio

These provoke strong feelings. 

In my view we will all be driving electric cars, when certain criteria are met. At the moment these are: range (too little) and price (too high) and too long to charge even if you can find a place to charge!  

In my view they will considerably increase range (1000+  miles on a charge) and there will be a big drop in price with a new battery technology perhaps solid state batteries. There is a lot of investment going towards this. 

Remember cathode ray tubes and film cameras?

There is a lot of stupid hype about electric cars at the moment, when the truth is the technology is not quite there. I give it under 5 years. By 2030, fossil fuelled cars will seem so old fashioned and so last century.  

My prediction is the Chinese will be first.

QSL cards

In earlier years, these were the common way of confirming contacts.  I remember the ones from the old USSR were of poor quality. 

More recently, QSL cards are often colourful although people exchange QSL cards less frequently as there are other means of confirming contacts.

8m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

 At 1135z my 2.5W 8m FT8 had been on for about an hour. No spots.

UPDATE 1615z:  No 8m FT8 spots.

10m QRPP WSPR TX (Tuesday)

My 500uW WSPR has been on for about an hour at 1130z. No spots. 

630m WSPR overnight

In all, 12 stations spotted me with my 10mW ERP. No great DX but fun nonetheless.