31 Jul 2023

FT-710 on 8m

Someone posted on Facebook today that the FT-710 is about 10dB deaf on 8m. It can be persuaded to TX on 8m by putting it is engineering mode by pressing buttons. However use outside of offered amateur bands probably invalidates your warranty. I have no idea what power it puts out on 8m as I never tried it. I sold the FT-710 some time ago.

Optical communications - over the horizon

When fitter, I really enjoyed experimenting with this. Actually, I don't think this needs a licence at all, but it is real experimentation. Anyone can do this without costing much. 

All my gear and much of my test gear was homemade and very inexpensive. It is real "back of the garage" stuff. All my gear was homemade in the back of the garage. The only special test gear was a very weakly lit LED. If you have a multi-meter and scope, you really don't need much else. In my view optical communications is easier than microwaves as the test equipment is easy.

I was quite surprised how easy it was to copy an optical signal "over the horizon".

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/optical-nanowaves/over-the-horizon

Water lily - NOT amateur radio


This water lily was at RHS Bridgewater, near Salford last week.

By the windmill - NOT amateur radio


The photo shows me with one of my sons and grandsons near the windmill next door.  It was taken this weekend.

10m WSPR QRP (Monday)

So far today, my 500mW 10m WSPR has been spotted by 3 stations. 

UPDATE 1345z: 
Just 4 unique station spots of me today. Is the Es season on the wane?

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)

So far, 6 Gs have spotted me using 2.5W to the omni V2000 vertical antenna.

UPDATE 1855z:  Late Es opening with 56 stations spotting my QRP (see photo). 

Haircut time - NOT amateur radio

When my younger son pops up from Kent he usually cuts my hair. The weather has been so miserable lately that we had to do it in the utility room rather than the garden.

Sunspots - Monday July 31st 2023

Solar flux is 174 and the SSN 139. A=9 and K=1.

30 Jul 2023

Digital Archive - amateur radio

 There is a vast archive of amateur radio material stored on-line.

See https://archive.org/details/dlarc?tab=collection .

Sunday breakfast - NOT amateur radio

Our younger son is here for a few days. He cooked breakfast this morning. Totally unhealthy, but great 😋😋.