5 Apr 2023

Donald Trump - NOT amateur radio

 It is impossible to know if the ex president of the USA is guilty of the crimes of which he is charged. What I do know is unless he is found guilty, his chances of re-election in late 2024 increase. 

At the moment, the USA seems very polarised. I really cannot understand why the USA cannot find younger candidates. If either Biden or Trump stand and get in they would be very old men!

Finland joins NATO - NOT amateur radio

Although not a political animal by nature, I can understand why Finland has joined NATO. It is the 31st member state sharing a very long border with Russia. It feels safer as a nation within NATO, knowing that if it was attacked all the NATO countries are duty bound to support it. It looks like the invasion of Ukraine has had the exact opposite effect with even more NATO countries on its borders.

Personally, I just wish all countries could live in peace and harmony as defence spending is, ultimately, a total waste of money.

QDX on 10m FT8

This runs at less than 5W, but has been widely spotted again this afternoon. It would seem the tiny QDX is all that is needed to get around the world. Since the photo was taken, many more stations have spotted me today on 10m FT8.

Stations spotting my
QRP 10m FT8 TX today

UPDATE 1955z:  
64 stations spotted my QRP 10m FT8 today with the QDX transceiver.

XBM80-2 transceiver webpage

As Jason M0NYW has kindly done a PCB layout and provided the Gerber files, I was hoping to add a link to these on my website, but I cannot create a public link to my Google Drive zip file. Not sure if this is a temporary issue. 

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/80m-xbm80-2 .

UPDATE 1700z: 
I think I have solved the problem and the link to Jason's Gerber file is now on the webpage. 

Sunspots - Wednesday April 5th 2023

Solar flux is 136 and the SSN 44. A=12 and K=2.

4 Apr 2023

At Lode - NOT amateur radio


As mentioned earlier, we did a nice walk earlier today.

2m activity contest (UKAC)

This evening is the first Tuesday of the month. The RSGB organised activity contest starts at 1900z. I usually go on for a little while with 2.5W and my big-wheel omni antenna. I usually make 5-10 contacts. FT8 is usually easier for me with my poor voice!

UPDATE 1936z:  After just 3 contacts, I just gave up. Some decent DX, but my voice was exhausted with too much shouting!  If I had more stamina, I am sure I would have had plenty of contacts.

Yaesu FT818

This was introduced in 2018 by Yaesu as a replacement for the FT817. It was a huge disappointment, being more for Yaesu's benefit (to overcome component shortages) than adding any new features. Several times over the years Yaesu could have led the world. 

With the FT817 they "owned" the QRP market, then they gifted it to others. In business terms it was unbelievably stupid. 

I hope they really will launch an SDR QRP rig soon, or they might as well give up. 

Walk - NOT amateur radio

For once, the sun was shining. We did a lovely walk with one of our sons and our grandson.  My wife loves her photos!

Sunspots - Tuesday April 4th 2023

Solar flux is 134 and the SSN 56. A=15 and K=2.