13 May 2022

8m experiment (Friday)

With my QRP, I am running out of stations with whom I can realistically exchange reports. 

My problem is I do not know who else, without a TX permit, might be looking for me. There is an outside chance that I could be spotted in the USA, but I think it is unlikely that I will be spotted in South Africa. 

I remain totally baffled by OFCOM and the RSGB who seem dead against even a very tiny allocation of an amateur band at 8m, by NoV, digital only, when this could really help propagation research and self training!! I find their OBSTRUCTIVE attitude unbelievable. Contact OFCOM and the RSGB to persuade them they are so WRONG!! Even 5 kHz would be useful, say at 40.680 USB dial. Having to buy a T&I licence seems so wrong and totally the opposite of "self training".

UPDATE 0810z:   8m TX turned on 40.680 MHz USB dial at 0805z. FT8 first period TX.

UPDATE 1420z:  There are lots of stations monitoring on 8m. Sadly, nobody has spotted me today and I have spotted nobody on RX.

Grandson's art - NOT amateur radio

One of our grandchildren is a very talented artist. He has just won a scholarship for art. This is one of his latest paintings. He is 13 years old. 

Sunspots - Friday May 13th 2022

Solar flux is 133 and the SSN 112.  A=8 and K=1.

12 May 2022

8m experiment (Thursday)

At 0830z I propose to go on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 TX (TXing in the first period).

UPDATE 1221z:  EI9KP (649km) has spotted me and I have spotted him. 

UPDATE 1315z:   QRT on RX and TX whilst rig cools Back on at 1345z on 40.680 MHz FT8 TX (first period).

10m WSPR QRP TX (Thursday)

 I am on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW W5OLF beacon. No spots yet today.

UPDATE 1521z:  15 unique spots of me today, mostly Es.

UPDATE 1905z: 16 unique stations have spotted me today. The Es season is definitely here.

There are far more people monitoring 10m WSPR than I was expecting. Great.

Shady spot - NOT amateur radio

This snale seems to have the right idea: just find a shady spot. 

Oscar 100 (lack of) activity

Every few weeks I take a look at activity on the narrow-band transponder of this geosynchronous satellite. I last looked at 1230z on a Wednesday. It has never been quieter! When I looked there was nobody at all active! Now, I may have just caught this at a bad time.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Xiegu X6100 HF/50 MHz transceiver

In this month's Practical Wireless is a review of the Chinese Xiegu X6100 transceiver. Like many things made in China, quality still seems to be a bit "hit and miss". They report an issue with the auto-ATU that is not fixed with the latest firmware.  What seems clear is these are low cost.

My concern is what happens if it goes wrong? Who will fix it? Is the guarantee really worth it? Given time, I am sure the major Japanese manufacturers like Yaesu, ICOM and Kenwood will feel a chill, with more, better quality, and far lower cost offerings starting to appear from China and other countries. 

I am quite surprised that one (or more) of the major Japanese manufacturers is still there if I am honest. It all hinges on volumes and markets. I would expect to see items that could sell in high volumes worldwide coming from China rather than niche products. Over time, quality will shoot up.

At the moment I still feel nervous about buying Chinese amateur radio products. But...

They are coming......

Sunspots - Thursday May 12th 2022

Solar flux is 133 and the SSN 84.  A=6 and K=2. 

11 May 2022

FT8 activity contest on 70cm

This evening is the FT8 activity contest on 70cms. Already at 1730z, several Gs are getting ready.

See https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/contest_rules.pl?contest=70cmsgmac .

In all, 37 stations spotted on a 2m big-wheel omni antenna!!