9 Feb 2022

10m FT8 RX (Wednesday)

 At the moment I am on 10m FT8 RX only with 16 stations spotted.

UPDATE 1345z:  257 stations spotted on RX today so far. 

UPDATE 1652z: 
373 stations spotted. QRT now.

160m FT8 overnight

314 stations spotted on RX overnight on 160m FT8 RX with the 10m antenna. Several in the USA. 

Sunspots - Wednesday February 9th 2022

 Solar flux is 123 and the SSN 86.  A=5 and K=0.

8 Feb 2022

70cm activity contest

This was this evening, although I only stayed on for 28 minutes because of my poor voice. As usual, I was using 10W to the 2m big-wheel omni antenna. My biggest "get away" was a station on the south coast. In all, 4 QSOs were had although many more would have been possible had I stopped on longer.

160m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

Using 2.5W and the 10m end fed antenna, I was copied by 4 stations with the furthermost G4MSA (222km). On RX, 101 stations spotted at 2058z, with the furthermost 4X1UF (3513km). 

UPDATE 2140z:  147 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX this evening.

8m NoV application submitted October 2021

Still waiting any progress update from OFCOM.  No email today, despite 2 emails from me in last 24 hours.

ARRL National Convention

As far as I know, this is still on. It is in Orlando, Florida, USA this Thursday. As always, check with organisers first before travelling far. This may be of interest to people in the USA.  

See http://www.arrl.org/arrl-expo .

Hope - NOT amateur radio

These snowdrops give us the promise of spring to come. 

Quantum mechanics - NOT amateur radio

One advantage of being near Cambridge is we have a vast choice of courses for our University of the Third Age. Often we can tap into the knowledge of some very clever people.

I go into Cambridge to learn about Medieval History on Fridays and attend a course on Quantum Mechanics at home on Zoom on Tuesday mornings. The course on quantum mechanics is given by a Cambridge Ph.D man. He is a very good communicator, but it is hard.

The important things are the "take away" remarks. Repeated experiments seem to prove that quantum mechanics is right and our "conventional" view of reality is flawed. Indeed, our whole beliefs about space and time may be wrong. 

This is as much about philosophy as physics.

10m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

After a brief period with 2.5W TX, I am RX only. So far today (at 0924z) just G6TUS (18km) spotting me and 15 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost 4I1EBC (10661km).

UPDATE 1217z:  261 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX with the furthermost VK8NSB (13781km). 

UPDATE 1350z:  333 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX from all over the world.

UPDATE 1520z:  387 stations spotted so far today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1935z: 494 stations spotted. QRT soon.