4 Oct 2021

2m activity contest (UKAC) Tuesday evening

As I was away, I missed the last one, but hope to be on Tuesday evening. Usually I run 2.5W to my omni big-wheel antenna for about an hour.  It is organised by the RSGB. Friendly and fun. Not like an HF contest!

See https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/contest_rules.pl?year=2021&contest=2mukac .

10m FT8 RX

 Since about 1315z, I have been on 10m FT8 RX using the simple 10FT8R receiver.

So far, just 1 station spotted at 1322z on PSKreporter maps - a local G0VQH (13km).

UPDATE 1342z: 5 stations spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX with the furthermost EA8AXT (2996km).

UPDATE 1712z: 40 stations spotted today with furthermost 4X4OQ (3615km).

UPDATE 2126z:  QRT.

Corruption - NOT amateur radio

Some secret papers have just been leaked. They seem to confirm that many politicians the world over are corrupt. All along, I have thought how few are in politics for the greater good. Whatever a politician says, do not believe it! This seems to be the message. Sad. There is some explaining to be done.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58783460 .

Museum cafe duty (Sunday afternoon) - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows me on duty in our local museum cafe yesterday with my grandson before he returned home. My wife and I share duties. The museum is just across the road from us.

Yesterday on 10m FT8 RX

In all, 89 stations were spotted on 10m FT8 RX with the 10FT8R yesterday. 10m is definitely moving more towards an F2 DX band again.

Sunspots - Monday October 3rd 2021

Solar flux is 86 and the SSN 38.  A=6 and K=2.

3 Oct 2021

8m NoV application

Having heard nothing extra, I propose to complete and submit my 8m NoV application tomorrow. Let's hope this is successful. 

A reminder, OFCOM now does NoVs online and wants a sketch of the proposed antenna and ERP to ensure public safety. I would be amazed if this is an issue.

10m FT8 RX (Sunday)

 At about 0845z, my 10FT8R was turned on on 10m FT8 RX. No spots yet after 5 minutes.

UPDATE 1100z:  7 stations spotted, with furthermost IW8PQ (1928km) in Italy.

UPDATE 1235z: 13 stations around Europe spotted so far on RX.

UPDATE 2110z:   87 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.  QRT.

Little Walsingham - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows Little Walsingham in Norfolk, UK. We stayed here a few years ago. 

Walsingham has been a pilgrimage destination for centuries.

20FT8R or 15FT8R anyone?

Whilst playing with the 10FT8R something occurred to me. With FT8, oscillators only have to be stable over 15 seconds. Many free running HF oscillators are far more stable than this even long term.

So, I think the crystal can be replaced by a just a tuned circuit making this receiver work on any HF FT8 frequency. All that really matters is reasonable long term stability and good short-term stability. All that's required is to scale the RF tuned circuit (one tuned circuit) and set the oscillator to half the FT8 frequency needed. I have not tried this but cannot see why it should not work.

This may work as high as VHF where I have made free running oscillators work even on 2m.

Do not be afraid to experiment! 

This should make the whole receiver very low cost indeed. It would not surprise me if many can make the entire RX for less than the cost of one coffee out.