10 Sept 2021

Rally news

As far as I know these rallies are ON this Sunday. As usual, please check with the organisers before setting out.

  • Caister Lifeboat Rally
  • Exeter Radio and Electronics Rally

Salcombe sunrise - NOT amateur radio

This photo shows where I was brought up as a child, at sunrise yesterday. 

Sunspots - Friday September 10th 2021

 Solar flux is 100 and the SSN an incredible 124.  A=6 and K=1.

9 Sept 2021

472kHz (630m) WSPR TX activity levels lower?

 Maybe people are using different modes or it is still too early in the season, but the impression I have is there are plenty of monitors on WSPR RX, but fewer people on TX. Usually I am on QRP WSPR TX, but am not yet.

Amazon algorithms - NOT amateur radio

It is obvious that when Amazon recommends purchases, it looks at your past buying history. Having just bought something, why would you buy it again?  When I get an email with recommendations it is usually binned with other rubbish.

10m FT8 QRP

 It is now 0740z. I have been on 10m FT8 (QRP) for about 10m. I briefly was on TX with 2.5W. So far, no spots received or given.

UPDATE 0836z: 3 spots received from other stations. 2 look like Es. This re-enforces, to me, that there is still Es about, but there is far less and it is more sporadic. In these situations FT8 (and probably FT4) can be useful. Signals have certainly been strong so the shorter duration of FT4 might catch more, even shorter, openings? I have never tried FT4.

UPDATE 1722z:  20 stations spotted.  IS0AWZ was spotted at an incredible +18dB S/N.

UPDATE 1816z: 21 stations spotted with the furthermost  PY2XB (9599km) in Brazil.

UPDATE 2015z: Loads of South American stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX this evening. In all, 57 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today. You get the feeling 10m is becoming a serious DX band again after a few relatively quiet years.

Preserved railways - NOT amateur radio

In the UK we have a number of preserved railways run by volunteers. The photo shows the North Norfolk Railway between Holt and Sheringham 10 years ago. 

Schottky diodes


The other day I mentioned Schottky diodes in a post. Today I notice the adverts on Amazon are for Schottky diodes from one of the suppliers I visited! Obviously targeted ads. 

472kHz (630m) WSPR RX last evening

Just 2 unique stations spotted on RX last evening, both in Germany. Disappointing. 

UPDATE 0730z: Doh!! It helps if you connect the correct antenna! The above were with the 10m antenna connected by mistake! I shall try again this evening to see how I get on - this time with the correct antenna!

Granddaughter - NOT amateur radio

This was my older granddaughter playing the ukulele. 

She was playing ABBA songs.