26 Apr 2021

Brain fog - NOT amateur radio

Since my 2013 stroke, I have suffered with what can best be described as "brain fog". 

Although I am mostly fine, I get exhausted quickly and my whole waking life is like walking through treacle: it is as if it is a dream, with me not fully there. 

It is hard to describe, but makes me seem lazy and fuzzy minded. Everyday tasks, physical and mental, are far harder. I can still do them, but things are not as clear or easy. 

My main issue is giddiness: all the time it feels like I am about to fall, although I rarely do.

Overall, I am luckier than many. Most people are totally unaware of my hidden disabilities.

ICOM IC-705 USB drivers

This afternoon I had every intention of loading the USB drivers for the IC-705 on my shack Window 10 PC. However, every time I tried recently it said the site for ICOM Japan was "not available" and I got pointed to the Wayback Machine.

This must be a temporary glitch as I managed to upgrade the firmware OK from this site recently. I can wait.

Perhaps I should learn a new schematics capture package instead!

UK sub-postmaster scandal - NOT amateur radio

If you live in the UK, you will be aware of the scandal that has engulfed the Post Office. 

The Post Office installed a new (at the time) computer system that was faulty.  Many sub-postmasters were wrongly accused of fraud and some lost homes or were even imprisoned. It amazes me the PO did apparently nothing. Surely alarm bells would have rung when so many were accused of fraud?

Apparently the once boss of the PO has resigned from some directorships she held.

In my view, those in charge of the PO at the time should face the full force of the law. This scandal ruined many lives and those in charge deserve to be prosecuted for gross incompetence.  At the very least, some should face heavy fines and possible imprisonment. 

I sincerely hope that all the people affected by the scandal are very generously compensated. If it was me in government, I'd make those in charge at the time pay and hopefully they would be made bankrupt. Let them feel (really feel) the consequences of their gross inaction. Others suffered. Why should the helpless suffer and not those responsible? Sorry, but this makes my blood boil.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56882496 .

The right antenna helps!

My 10FT8R 10m FT8 RX has just been turned on.

Only now do I realise that all yesterday I had my V2000 vertical for VHF and UHF connected to it and not my 10m loop!! It could account for why I drew a blank yesterday. Doh!  😊

So far (with the correct antenna), no spots at 0929z.

UPDATE 1420z:  4 stations spotted with the 10FT8R RX including 3 in Norway with the furthermost LB5SH (1366km). I think this is Es. 

UPDATE 2110z:  26 stations spotted today with the 10FT8R connected to the tiny indoor loop. I am sure with a half decent external antenna far more would be spotted.

King's College, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

The photo was taken earlier in the month right outside King's College in Cambridge. 

Usually it is busy with foreign visitors. Not this year. It is good to see those visitors that are here meeting social guidelines and sitting well apart!

Coax line isolators

Although I have never used these, they seem a good idea. As I understand it, interference and RF can travel back to the rig on the coax outer.  In some cases this can mess up the SWR reading, add to RX noise and cause RF burns. So the idea is to choke off these with a line isolator. Presumably clip on ferrite beads might make a difference. The basic idea is to choke off RF currents flowing on the coax outer whilst leaving the inner untouched.

See https://wb3gck.com/2015/11/08/line-isolator/ .

Sunspots - Monday April 26th 2021

Solar flux is 79 and the SSN 57.  A=20 and K=4.

25 Apr 2021

10FT8R schematic - my apologies

This weekend I was intending to put the schematic of my 10m FT8 RX on this blog. Sadly, I had no time. The weather was dry so I was gardening. 

Hopefully it will be up within the next few days. Please accept my apologies. If I had found my SPlan CD I could have done it. I have to master a new tool first!

Ickworth Lambs - NOT amateur radio

For several years we have managed to miss the lambs at Ickworth. This year, we managed to see some.

Ickworth is a National Trust property with extensive grounds.

10m Phaser SSB transceiver

This kit is on order, but it has not yet arrived.  It is a 4W SSB rig for 10m FT8. 

It should fit my needs well freeing up the "big rig" for other things.  It was designed by Dave Benson K1SWL, so should be good. SMA parts are already fitted. 

4W FT8 on 10m will get me worldwide QSOs.

See https://midnightdesignsolutions.com/phaser/