4 Dec 2020

2m FT8 RX

15m seems quiet now, so I have QSYed.  Since about 1815z I have been on 2m FT8 RX. So far this evening, just 1 station in Belgium spotted.

UPDATE 1938z:  So far today, 4 stations spotted with furthermost spotted being G7RAU (461km).

UPDATE 1944z:  TX (2.5W to the big-wheel  omni antenna) turned on. 2 stations have spotted me so far.

QCX mini launch

 Steve, G1KQH, has alerted me to this video. Thanks Steve.

Winter, definitely - NOT amateur radio

Just now, I had to go to the local post office to do 3 things (1) post a card, (2) post a parcel, (3) buy some stamps. 

It was cold and wet and there was a big queue outside because of Covid-19. Stamps are expensive these days!

It is definitely winter.


In recent ẃeeks there was a review in RSGB RadCom of the Indian designed uBITX QRP transceiver kit. 

To those unfamiliar with this, the main PCB is supplied assembled and tested. This is assembled by a women's co-operative in India. The kit consists of putting the assembled PCB in the case and the various wiring harnesses that connect the things up. It was designed by Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE and is a model of a simple but effective design. It is available for $200. I am unsure what happens about VAT and duty.

See https://www.hfsignals.com/index.php/ubitx-v6/

Surprise - NOT amateur radio

We get little snow here these days. When I drew back the curtains this morning I was greeted by this surprise. 

I expect it will have gone by lunchtime. It looks good at the moment.

15m FT8 RX

It is now 0921z.  I am on 15m FT8 RX.  So far, 13 stations spotted on RX. 

UPDATE 0954z:  49 stations so far spotted on 15m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1122z:  126 stations so far spotted with the furthermost being ZS6LKF (9089km).

UPDATE 1527z: 301 stations spotted today on 15m FT8 RX (see map). Not bad with just the tiny indoor loop sitting on the shack windowsill. It is about 0.5m diameter and the wire is about 1mm across.

8m amateur band in Croatia

Southgate News reports that Croatia has given a 1 year permit to 9A6W to operate on the 8m band. Others may follow. It would be great to see others in other countries get permission.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/december/croatia-gets-new-40-mhz-band.htm#.X8lXBmiTLrc

Sunspots - Friday December 4th

 Solar  flux is 103 and the SSN 40. A=3 and K=0.

3 Dec 2020

2m FT8 QRP (Thursday)

Since 1845z, I have been on 2m FT8 RX with the FT817ND and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far, just one station spotted - G8GXP (201km).

UPDATE 2100z: 8 stations spotted with the furthermost being DL6YBF (471km).

UPDATE 2118z:  I have just turned on my 2.5W TX. 3 stations in 2 countries have spotted me on TX and I have spotted 11 stations on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2144z:
7 stations have spotted me tonight so far with the furthermost being ON6LEO (392km).The TX spots are shown on the second map with the RX spots here on the first map.

UPDATE 2201z:  Now 8 stations have spotted me with the best DX EI2FG (565km).

UPDATE 2230z: QRT.

WSJT-X v2.3.0-rc2

For the last 12 hours or so, I have been using the latest "release candidate" version of WSJT-X, which is 2.3.0-rc2.  Certainly on FT8 it appears stable and works well. The only thing I have found is an annoying pop-up box saying I do not have logbook of the world on my PC. I seem to recall this on an earlier version.

See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html