16 Apr 2020

Walk - NOT amateur radio

We have just got back from our walk. The photo shows the beauty in ordinary things when we look.

Sunspots - Thursday April 17th 2020

Solar flux is just 68 and the SSN 0. A=7 and K=2.

I thought this was on hours ago!

15 Apr 2020

G4ILO blog

Although Julian has been a SK for many years, his blog is still in place.  Even now, all these years later, I still get visitors via his site. His death saddened many of us and his blog is a fine reminder of a fine person, greatly missed.

2m nets

In these difficult times there seems to be a bit of an upsurge in nets as people find new ways of keeping in touch.

Last Friday, our local Cambridge club (CDARC) had a very successful club meeting "virtually" via the GB3PI repeater with the agreement of the local repeater group.  Tonight it has a net at 1900z (8pm UK) on 145.55MHz FM vertical open to all.

Even though we cannot meet in person, we find ways.

Trump and the W.H.O. - NOT amateur radio

So Trump wants to stop funding the WHO. Such wisdom. It must be so great to have such insights in these strange days. You can see why so many voted him in to office. It must be so great to have such a wise man at the top.😉

2m beacon using the Pluto SDR

Southgate News has a piece on using the ADALM-Pluto SDR as a beacon on 2m. This links to a Hackaday article. As it stands, it is very low power and would need a PA adding.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/april/hackaday-144-mhz-beacon-using-the-adalm-pluto-sdr.htm#.XpbMWxnYq00

10m FT8 again

Hoping for some Es, I have again gone on 10m FT8 with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop. Things were turned on at about 0845z. Already, 2 locals have spotted me (G4KPX and M1BXF). No Es yet, but it is early in the day and season.

UPDATE 1810z: No Es seen here today so far. 3 locals have spotted me.

UPDATE 1832z: This early in the Es season, I guess we will see good days and bad days. At the moment it looks like the latter! Maybe I shall have better luck tomorrow.

Sunspots - Wednesday April 15th 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0. A=8 and K=3.

14 Apr 2020

70cm activity contest 1900z (8pm UK) tonight

As this is the second Tuesday in the month, the RSGB organised 70cm activity contest (UKAC) should be tonight starting at 1900z (8pm UK time) for 2.5 hours.

I usually try for under an hour with 10W and my 2m big-wheel omni that seems to match OK on 70cm.  My voice usually objects after about 40 minutes!

Usually I work a few stations. If I am lucky these include G4CLA (105km).  Unlike many contests, this one is fun and there is a good spirit. With the current restrictions I doubt there will be any /P stations, but that leaves plenty of "at home" stations to try for.

Village Cottage - NOT amateur radio

Not sure how old this cottage is. We passed it on our walk earlier.