30 Dec 2019

2m FT8

As many will be aware I had a stroke in 2013 that makes speaking difficult. I still occasionally use 2m FM and SSB on HF, 6m , 2m and 70cm, but it is hard work. Often I have to repeat myself to be understood, which is exhausting.

Instead I use FT8. This is a weak signal mode, that allows basic QSOs.  It works with signals weaker than SSB and CW. It does not allow "chatting" and if this is what you enjoy avoid FT8. If,  like me, you enjoy exploring propagation on bands thought to be "dead" then you may like FT8. It has certainly transformed many bands for me: on 2m, for example, ranges double what I thought great on SSB in a contest are possible with QRP every day! Totally amazing.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/2m-ft8

160m FT8 RX - over the last day

Last night was disappointing with just 10 North Americans spotted. In all, 688 stations on 4 continents spotted in the last day on 160m FT8 RX. Nothing from South America again. Still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground as I have nothing else. No MF antennas available or in the air.
Stations spotted on 160m
FT8 RX in the last day

Sunspots - Monday December 30th 2019

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 0. A=2 and K=1.

29 Dec 2019

2m UKAC activity contest results published

In the low power (AL) section I was 75 out of 201 entries. As I rarely stay on for an hour (let alone 2.5 hours!) and only use an omni antenna (big-wheel) I am quite pleased and this is making a silly error with one QTH locator!

Dead rose - NOT amateur radio

This was spotted at Anglesey Abbey earlier today. I like the reflections in the water behind.

Modulated light communications

When I was fit and healthy, I enjoyed experimenting with over-the-horizon optical communications using homemade kit and free software. As I recall my RX was based on one from the website below. Personally, I found optical communications more rewarding than microwaves. All the gear was homemade, including the optics and test gear. It was inexpensive and one was working "at the frontiers". Not forgetting the most important thing - it was fun.

See http://www.modulatedlight.org/optical_comms/optical_index.html

See also my own page at https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/optical

Sacred and profane - NOT amateur radio

We are all a mixture of the sacred and the profane. As I get older, I am more aware of this than ever. All of us probably strive to live "better lives", yet we carry on much as ever. I think the first thing is to accept ourselves: we are far from perfect and always will be.

At the moment, I am aware of about 10 close people who may not see next Christmas. Knowing "sod's law" these will still be with us (hopefully) and it will be someone quite unexpected who will go first! Life has a funny habit of going along much as it always has and then something dramatic happens and all changes.

I think we all have to accept that change happens all of the time: what we think will be for ever ends. We have to make the best of our situation, however plain.

At this time of year the sacred and profane intersect. Like many, I am glad when Christmas and New Year are over and we can make a start on 2020, however mundane. There is something "holy" in the ordinary. We take our days for granted. Perhaps we should not.

160m FT8 - daytime

Just now , just after noon, I called CQ (10W) on 160m FT8 with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. No QSOs resulted, but I was spotted by DK1WB (916km) in the daytime!

UPDATE 1500z: My 10W 160m FT8 CQ was spotted by SM0MEM (1326km). As far as I am aware this is the furthermost I have ever got on 160m .... and the sun is still shining brightly! On 160m FT8 RX 13 stations spotted.
Stations that spotted my 160m 10W
FT8 CQ just before 1500z today
UPDATE 1540z:  A very recent FT8 CQ (10W) on 160m was copied by 8 stations in 5 countries, but no QSOs resulted.

UPDATE 1756z: 210 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX in the last 6 hours.

UPDATE 1900z: 293 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX in the last 6 hours. Best DX spotted is R8CA (3788km).

UPDATE 2207z:  Now 473 stations spotted on 160m, FT8 RX including 1 USA station.


This photo was taken today. It shows the shack. Currently I am trying daytime FT8 on 160m.

Daffodil - NOT amateur radio

On the Winter Walk at nearby Anglesey Abbey is usually a small clump of daffodils. Normally these are the first to appear. A few years ago some were out in November. We were quite surprised that this one (the first) is only now appearing. December 29th is quite late for this clump. Even the snowdrops are only now starting to flower.