3 Apr 2018

Indian Time Signals

Southgate News reports that India in to use LW to broadcast time signals across the nation.

2m FT8 RX

At the moment 9 unique stations spotted today in 4 countries with best DX PD3HIM (452km).

UPDATE 1020z: Now 14 uniques in 5 countries on 2m FT8 RX today.

UPDATE 1328z: Now 24 uniques in 5 countries today on 2m FT8.

UPDATE 1426z: Now 27 uniques in 6 countries. This really is an amazing mode. Best DX is currently DL6YBF (471km).

The photo shows the 2m FT8 spots today up to 1514z. Don't forget, this is just with an omnidirectional antenna in FLAT conditions.

UPDATE 1615z:  Now 35 uniques in 6 countries.

UPDATE 2050z: After about 30 minutes on the 2m UKAC, I returned to 2m FT8 RX. Best DX recently was G4WAC (149km) in Birmingham. Today, in all, 50 uniques in 6 countries on 2m FT8 RX. Best DX was DL0HOL (619km).

Sunspots - Tuesday April 3rd 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number still zero. A=5 and K=2.

2 Apr 2018

2m FT8

After going on the East Cambs 2m FM net, I went on 2m FT8. After a very brief TX period (2.5W to my omni antenna) with best DX G4RRA (334km) in Devon, I went on 2m FT8 RX only. So far 18 unique stations in 4 countries in the last 2 hours with best DX PD3HIM (452km).

UPDATE 2050z: Now 20 uniques in 5 countries in the last few hours.


Probably the best commercial radio available to radio amateurs currently is the IC7300. However, its price is still set by market forces: it could still be profitable at a much lower selling price.

Whether prices drop depends on many factors, but there is no doubt that the price is what it is largely because people are still prepared to buy at this price. If the dealers can still make a killing why would they reduce prices? Also, currently there is no real competition.

See https://icomuk.co.uk/IC-7300/Amateur_Radio_Ham_Base_Stations

Pound jump v. Euro: why? - NOT amateur radio

Mid afternoon the value of the UK Pound suddenly jumped against the Euro. Anyone know why? In the UK this is a public holiday, so it was probably something in the EU.

CQ-DATV 58 mag online

I've mentioned before that lots of magazines are available on the internet. If you prefer you may download copies. Among these is the latest copy of CQ-DATV although back issues are also available at the same site.

See https://issuu.com/cq-datv/docs/cq-datv58

Local weather forecasts - NOT amateur radio

The UK weather Met Office forecasts feature a lot in my "grumpy old man" posts.

Having been on a 20 week U3A course on "Weather and Climate" I know it is hard. But honestly!!

Just an HOUR ago the Met Office reckoned it was dry here all afternoon and evening with a 10% chance of precipitation. Now they are saying light showers all afternoon. Well, actually they probably now say snow or thunder as I've not looked for 10 minutes.😖

Now open - NOT amateur radio

Our local museum and windmill reopened yesterday until the end of October. It is very good place to visit and one of the best local museums in the UK, and we live next door! This was the view from our lounge earlier today.

See http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/

10m FT8

It appears I am being hopeful!

Since breakfast I have been on 10m FT8, mostly RX. A couple of TX periods calling CQ (2.5W) brought no reports. At the moment, I have not spotted a single station on the band.

UPDATE 1020z: Still nothing.

UPDATE 1120z: F1VEO (594km) in Brittany spotted on 10m FT8 RX at -8dB S/N. So there is some life!

UPDATE 1405z: Now a couple of Gs spotted making 3 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX so far today.

UPDATE 1421z: Real DX!  D41CV (4518km) in the Cape Verde Islands now spotted.

UPDATE 1552z: 6 stations spotted so far on 10m FT8 4 Gs, 1 F and 1 D41.