28 Oct 2017

Parkin making - NOT amateur radio

The picture shows our younger grandson (8) in our kitchen making parkin with my wife. He was really keen, eating much of the first lot.

See https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1940684/parkin .

CQWW Contest and 10m FT8

Looking this afternoon on 10m SSB, I heard nothing at all, whereas 20m was very busy with contest stations. I'll look again tomorrow.

Sorry, but I have no interest in contest exchanges on 20m SSB. In the meantime, I have gone back to 10m FT8 RX.  Perhaps all the keen 10m operators have moved to FT8?

UPDATE 1534z: So, most think 10m is dead and have moved to lower bands for the CQWW SSB contest. Meanwhile, plenty of DX on 10m FT8 as the photo shows.

UPDATE 1558z: More South Americans and best 10m FT8 DX (currently) LU7DAF (11197km).

Gove - NOT amateur radio

He is a satirist's dream. This UK politician has (allegedly) put his foot in it again.

For some reason, I always think of him with a school cap and school satchel. I am sure he is really an astute politician.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41787710

Dad's seat - NOT amateur radio

My dad died in 1987. In his last years, he worked for the National Trust running a job creation scheme with young people maintaining the South West Coastal Path.

He loved this part of Devon and when he died they erected a couple of seats in his honour.

This picture was taken a few years ago and shows me sitting on one of them on Bolberry Down.

10m FT8 RX

Although I am on 10m FT8 RX at present with best DX RA6HN (3245km), I intend to go on 10m SSB later in the CQWW contest. As my voice is poor, this will probably just be short periods today and tomorrow.

UPDATE 1348z:  Best DX on 10m FT8 RX today is ZS2I (9845km) in South Africa. A 5 minute TX period by me at 2.5W got no spots!

Sunspots - Saturday October 28th 2017

Solar flux is 75 today and the sunspot number 23. A=5 and K=2.

27 Oct 2017

QSY to 10m FT8 RX

After a day on 6m, I have switched to 10m FT8 and will be on overnight. If there is any early 10m FT8 DX, I have a chance of spotting it.

6m produced just a single DX spot from northern Spain, although several Gs were spotted on 6m FT8 at quite decent ranges.


Just in case you missed my earlier reminder, this weekend is the CQWW SSB contest. Although I am unable to join in as I once could, this is always a chance to work some new countries, even if you do not submit a score - I never have. Funny how bands which seemed "dead" come alive.

Catalans declare independence from Spain - NOT amateur radio

Although I have not yet checked the Euro, the declaration of independence from Spain of Catalonia is likely to spark a crisis. Catalonia now, Basques later?

Spain is in deep trouble.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41780116 .

FT8 - the "new" digital mode?

So far, I have used FT8 on 630m, 10m and 6m. It is very quickly becoming the de facto digital mode allowing quick exchanges of basic QSO data whilst still using very little spectrum. It is not really a mode for chatting.  It seems to have transformed 10m. Spots on 10m have amazed me.

Complete QSOs can be completed in a very short time. As far as I know, unless things have changed in the last few days, it is still a "release candidate" rather than a formal release. At the moment I am still using rc2 although rc3 is available.

See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html .