26 Jul 2018


We have had very high temperatures again today and it is quite possible that these will trigger some thunderstorms overnight or tomorrow. Maybe I shall be unable to go on 6m and 10m when I get home.

Fish and Chips - NOT amateur radio

A few days ago we ate fish and chips outside whilst on holiday.

Return to 10m and 6m

Assuming the storms are far enough away, I hope to return to these bands tomorrow.


Does anyone notice? OFCOM is writing to our public service broadcasters about children's TV.  Personally I'd give the people at OFCOM crayons to keep them amused.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2018/july/ofcom-publishes-update-on-childrens-content-review.htm#.W1mqiJDTWf0

Sunspots - Thursday July 26th 2018

Solar flux is 65 today (very low) and the SSN zero.  A=9 and K=1.

Last Full Day - NOT amateur radio

It seems hard to believe that today is the last full day of our Norfolk holiday. We could not have asked for better weather. Every day has been hot and sunny. Our cosy home will feel small!

25 Jul 2018

Sunspots - Wednesday July 25th 2018

Solar flux is 66 today and the SSN 0.  A=17 and K=2.  As far as I know this is the lowest flux seen for many years.

Holme next the sea - NOT amateur radio

We have had glorious sunshine all week. In fact the holiday weather could not be better.  For several mornings we have done a short walk before breakfast. The collage was taken early this morning. The house on the top left  is where we are staying and the top right show our surprise hamper given to us by our son's French in-laws.

Yaesu cashback

My friend Steve G1KQH (not "fridge" as my auto-correct wanted (!))  has reminded me of the Yaesu cashback offer which makes their rigs a bit less. I think there is a 3 year warranty on Yaesu too.

24 Jul 2018

Maplin and RadioShack

Sadly many of the stores from which we bought parts have closed. Although RadioShack is trying a small comeback the truth is that we buy things online and shops are finding it hard to compete. I don't know the answer, but there is little doubt that the high street has to change.

Sunspots - Tuesday July 24th 2018

Solar flux is 66 today and the SSN is zero . A=4 and  K=3.

Larry the Lamb music - NOT amateur radio

This is a long shot. Way back in the 1950s we watched "Larry the Lamb " on BBC Children's TV. We have been unable to find the music, despite looking for  it  on YouTube. If anyone knows a link, we would be  grateful.

23 Jul 2018

North Norfolk - NOT amateur radio

We took our son's French father-in-law for a ride along the north Norfolk coast this morning.  He speaks no English and gabbles on in French . These days driving is hard anyway, so I  was knackered!

Solar flare?

Apparently there is a good chance of a solar storm hitting the Earth on July 24th.

Sunspots - Monday July 23rd 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the sunspot number is 11.  A=5 and K=1.

22 Jul 2018

Holme next the Sea - NOT amateur radio

We are on holiday here and, yet again, we are amazed how good the weather is. We ate fish and chips outside this evening in the warm sunshine.  It is so nice to be able to  enjoy the warmth without feeling at all cold.

Sunspots - Sunday July 22nd 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the SSN 11.   A=11 and K=1 .

21 Jul 2018

No rallies?

Usually I get notification of upcoming rallies but I have heard nothing! Maybe I missed something?

Sunspots - Saturday July 21st 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the SSN remains zero.  A=7 and K=3 .

Rain - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday we had rain on our way to Norfolk. It must have rained for  10 seconds! This is the first time I have  seen rain since May!

20 Jul 2018

Return to 4m

With more and more countries now getting access to 4m (70MHz), I am seriously thinking about getting active on this band. Many years ago I designed and built this transverter for 4m. This has appeared on this blog before, but if you have no other way of accessing the band this may be a source of ideas.

Sunspots - Friday July 20th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the sun remains spotless. A=4 and K=1.

19 Jul 2018

70cm - a much under-used band

70cm can be very quiet with little activity outside of contests and I am as guilty as anyone! This is a pity as tropo lifts can be more frequent than on 2m and ranges almost as good. In monthly activity contests I usually work over 100km with 5W SSB and a 2m halo! Maybe I should install a 70cm big-wheel above my 2m one?

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/70cm_op .

Baby snake found in amber - NOT amateur radio

Scientists in China have found a 99 million year old baby snake in a piece of amber. This is incredibly rare. To think this snake was wriggling around when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Amber freezes things in a time capsule. Usual finds are bits of flies.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-44872148 .

Solar minimum?

We are approaching the next solar minimum. Such periods are characterised by very low sunspot numbers for a long time. We have already had many weeks without sunspots. We can expect more "quiet sun" weeks until we climb on the upward slopes towards the peak of cycle 25. At the moment we are looking at 2020 for the next minimum.

See http://spaceweather.com/ .

Younger people - NOT amateur radio

All is not bad with young people as these charts show. Trends show they take fewer drugs, commit less crime, smoke less, have fewer teen pregnancies and drink less.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/44880278 .

Grumpy old man? - NOT amateur radio

This is a rant.

Have you noticed that younger people tend to go up at the end of sentences? This is certainly true in the UK. It is almost as if a question is being asked. This, along with the over-use of "like", is mainly a phenomenon of the under 25 year olds.

Listening to the radio, you can often tell the age of an interviewee by how a sentence ends. Personally, I find this intonation annoying. Then, I am a grumpy old man!

10m FT8

For the second morning in a row I decided to try 10m FT8. There is already Es about with the Canaries and southern Europe spotted and it is only 0902z. I was briefly on TX before breakfast but received no spots. I have been on FT8 RX since.

UPDATE 1138z: 31 different stations in 11 countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX today. They spread from Finland to the Canaries.

UPDATE 2114z: Now QRT as our visitors have arrived. No South Americans spotted today here.

Career politicians - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, we seem to be ruled by megalomaniac career politicians who seem more interested in themselves than what is best for their countries.

Think of Russia, the USA and the UK to name but a few. As soon as the BREXIT referendum was held in the UK the then Prime Minister left office and politics. Tony Blair who was once Labour Prime Minister now, allegedly, gets hundreds of thousands for after-dinner speeches. True Labour values? In the USA think of Trump and in Russia think of Putin.

Now, I am not saying there is no good in any of these leaders. I am sure they all have good points.  But are they really connecting with us?

What I am saying is we lack politicians who are in high office because they really wish to better the lot of the common man or woman. We lack real leaders with guts and charisma. In time, they will emerge. At the moment we seem to be run by people with big egos sadly.

Sunspots - Thursday July 19th 2018

Solar flux is 71 today and the sun remains spotless. A=4 and K=1.

18 Jul 2018

10m FT8 tomorrow

Having now gone QRT for the night, I am thinking about tomorrow. Having had some success with 10m FT8 today, I may try this band again tomorrow.

As well as very similar results on Es to 6m FT8, 10m has the added bonus of "real DX" deep into South America. I cannot stay on 10m too late tomorrow as we have visitors, but I shall be monitoring as late as I can.

Today was my first experience of 10m FT8 in the summertime. It does not surprise me that South Americans were spotted. FT8 is a great weak signal mode (better than SSB and CW) and just 15 seconds of "opening" are needed for a decode. For a QSO a few overs are needed.

PTT over cellular radio - NOT amateur radio

With 446 radios at ridiculously low prices and PTT over cellular radios available, I am wondering how "traditional" private mobile radio companies survive. On the face of it, PTT over cellular (i.e. network radio) offers international coverage or very local coverage.  For example, lorries could be tracked internationally, and drivers contacted as if they were in the next village.

446 or similar radios offer basic communications well suited to pop-up events or occasional use.

Between the 2, most PMR use is covered at sensible prices. PTT over cellular often has GPS, photos and big data capacity too.

Innocent until proved guilty? - NOT amateur radio

Today we heard that a well known UK singer had won substantial damages from the BBC. Several years ago the police raided his house searching for evidence of child abuse and the BBC "in the public interest" hired a helicopter to film it all.  He was not even charged.

Now, if such an accused is found guilty the full force of the law will fall on him or her. If innocent, their reputation will be tarnished for ever by the mob. There are several occasions when reputations have been ruined without due cause.

The answer is simple: people are innocent and anonymous until proved guilty in a court of law. There is no place for innocent people being judged by the mob and the press. Saying such intrusions are, "in the public interest" is wholly wrong in my view. It is gutter journalism at its very worst.

BBC - serves you right! Pay up please NOW.

The argument that publicity encourages others to come forward is fallacious. If people have a genuine case come forward NOW.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44871799

Sunspots - Wednesday July 18th 2018

Solar flux is 72 today and the SSN is still zero. A=9 and K=3.

10m FT8

For a change, I decided to go on 10m FT8 today. A quick FT8 CQ brought a reply from DL2MEL (871km) but no other spots.

On 10m FT8 TX I use 2.5W which should be widely copied in Europe by Es. Initial conclusions are that there are far fewer on 10m FT8 than 6m FT8 or that my 10m antenna is quite poor. Of course, it could be conditions on 10m Es are not as good as yesterday when I was widely spotted on 10m WSPR with the same antenna and 500mW.

At this time of year I would have expected 10m FT8 to be quite busy.  Anyway, I shall stick with 10m FT8 today and see what happens.

UPDATE 0945z: Did I speak too soon? Now spotted 12 different stations on 10m FT8 RX all over Europe and the Canary Isles.

UPDATE 1336z: At the moment I am spotting a similar number of stations to those spotted on 6m FT8 yesterday. Most of these look like Es.

UPDATE 1928z: Seven South Americans spotted on 10m FT8 today so far. Time to go QRT now.

17 Jul 2018

2m UKAC contest last week

Results for this evening activity contest (held a week ago) have now been published.  Because of my poor voice I only stay on for a short period.

From the results it shows I've climbed to 67th out of 153 in the low power section. Conditions were good last week and a German near Hamburg was worked which is not bad for 5W and a big wheel.

Although very far from a "real" contester, this and the 70cm UKAC contests are friendly and enjoyable: they are good for my voice and often get me a few new squares.

Met Office weather app feedback - NOT amateur radio

The Met Office asked me for feedback on their app, so I sent some.  Sadly, I got back a computer generated reply.

Last night at 9.40pm it said, "60% chance of rain at 10pm and 80% chance of rain at 11pm". Rain? What rain? At 10pm it had changed to a 10% chance at 10pm and 11pm.

Despite very expensive super computers they appear to have not a clue. OK, I know UK weather is complex but unless we have a period of long hot weather looking at forecasts is a joke.

60m (5MHz) in Slovenia

Southgate News reports that class A licencees will have access to the WRC band. When will the UK get this band? OK, it is only a secondary allocation and only 15kHz wide, yet becoming widely available.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/july/60m-band-allocation-for-slovenia.htm#.W02-cPZFzIU .

6m FT8 RX

This morning, I am exclusively monitoring 6m FT8 RX. Lots of southern European Es, but nothing outside Europe as yet.

UPDATE 1000z: Canary Islands spotted (Es?) - EA8ACW (2988km). Lots of Es from Europe. So far, 51 different stations in 13 countries spotted on 6m FT8 RX this morning.

UPDATE 1507z: Over 100 different stations in 25 countries and 2 continents spotted on 6m FT8 RX so far today. Certainly for European Es on 6m, today has been a good day.

UPDATE 1940z: Best DX today spotted on 6m FT8 RX is FM5AN (6792km) on Martinique in the Caribbean. This station was widely spotted in the USA and Europe, so I am pretty sure it is genuine.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

My WSPR beacon has been on since just after breakfast with lots of Es spots already.  Yet again (could well be Es) the best DX is from EA8BFK (2880km) in the Canary Isles who has spotted me 17 times today already by 0950z.

UPDATE 1512z: Although there has been plenty of Es about I have received spots from only 3 different stations in 10m WSPR today. I might try 10m FT8 tomorrow. Certainly on 6m FT8 seems more popular.

UPDATE 2044z: 16 different stations spotted my 10m WSPR 500mW beacon today.