28 May 2024

Quansheng UV-K5(8)

This 5W handheld has been on sale for £12.89!!   I just cannot understand how they do it and make profits. 

If they are trying to kill off Japanese radios, they are succeeding.

Back in the early 1970s we used to sell professional UHF handhelds for over £700.

6m 10mW FT8 (Tuesday)

My QRPP signal is again on 6m FT8. Plenty of stations being copied on RX, despite the attenuator!

UPDATE  1034z:  My 10mW spotted by 4 stations mainly in the Baltic area.

UPDATE  1055z:  8 stations have spotted my 10mW 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1220z:  13 stations have spotted my 10mW 6m FT8 today most in Scandinavia.

Spots of my 6m
10mW FT8 today 
UPDATE 1539z: 
21 spots of my 10mW FT8 today (see map). I never expected it to be this easy, or to spot so many on RX with the attenuator in!

Strong Es in eastern Europe (Tuesday)

 At the moment I can see strong Es in eastern Europe.  Let's hope it moves further west.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

10m 500uW WSPR


My 500uW 10m WSPR was spotted by DK6UG (633km) late yesterday. This looks like a patch of Es.

UPDATE 0834z: synced to internet time, but no spots this morning.

UPDATE 1547z: Yet again, my 500uW 10m WSPR was spotted in Scotland. I have lost count of how many countries my 500uW WSPR have been spotted in, but it is a lot.

Double rainbow - NOT amateur radio


This was our close last evening. On the whole it was a dry day with just some rain after teatime.

160m QRP FT8 overnight with the earth-electrodes in the ground

It works!  

Connecting the FT817ND to the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground the match via the transformer used on 630m remained good, so I left things unchanged. It was pretty effective on the setting below maximum on the FT817ND. The map shows the spots I got.

Sunspots - Tuesday May 28th

 Solar flux is 170 and the SSN 116.   A=8 and K=2.

27 May 2024

Recent events in the UK - NOT amateur radio

Several recent events have severely dented my confidence in "the deep state". These include the contaminated blood scandal, Grenfell Tower and the Post Office scandal.  Time and again, we hear of corruption in high places. It makes me sick.

It would be good if those in high places operated at all times with high integrity and honesty. It would appear many cannot be trusted sadly.

160m QRP FT8 tonight?

Overnight, I may give 160m FT8 a go with my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. This assumes the match is acceptable. 

For a first try I shall probably use 2.5W. It is unlikely I shall be on until it gets dark. I don't think I have tried 160m FT8.

UPDATE 1656z:  The match is good and I am on 160m with 2.5W FT8.  No spots on RX or TX.

UPDATE 1831z:   One UK spot of me by 2E0INH (60km).

UPDATE 1900z:  3 UK spots of me so far this evening. Still very much light. Furthermost is G4BRK (133km). This is quite reasonable with 2.5W FT8.

UPDATE 2039z:  6 spots of me (see map).

UPDATE 2154z : 11 spots of me with 2 spots from Norway.

Wicken Fen walk - NOT amateur radio


This morning, we did a very nice walk around part of Wicken Fen.