2 May 2024

Buttercups and cow parsley - NOT amateur radio

Buttercups have been very good this spring. My wife took this photo yesterday at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden,

Es so far

Although I have seen Es openings on 6m FT8, things are average rather than great. 

When Es is in full swing bands like 10m and 6m are open for QSOs with very low power. 

The fact that I am still struggling on 10m WSPR with 10mW speaks volumes. When Es is really good, I would expect to be spotted across Europe with 500uW 10m WSPR. Probably a few milliwatts of 10m or 6m FT8 would suffice.  I must try this!

When things are this good I confidently expect to span Europe on 8m 40.680MHz (USB dial) with 10mW ERP WSPR as long as there are monitors and not too much QRM from local ISM signals. Under UK ISM rules I am sure 8m WSPR is available to all without a licence as long as IR2030 is complied with. It is best to use a callsign of your choosing that WSPRnet can use so you can see who is receiving you, These are ISM rules and NOT amateur radio.

Rallies this weekend

 The following have been notified to me, but please check the details are correct before going.

  • Sunday  May 5th - Lough Erne ARC 40th Annual Radio Rally, N.Ireland. BT92 0JZ . Contact argault91@gmail.com .
  • Sunday May 5th - Thorpe Camp Hamfest, Lincs LN4 4PL. No contact details.

Electric vehicles - NOT amateur radio

It is my view that there will be a "tipping point"  when most people will drive electric cars. We are not at this point yet. These days the vast majority of people use flat screen TVs and digital cameras, The use of CRTs and film cameras would feel odd for most.

There are several things wrong with electric cars at present. These include:

  • Poor range.
  • Use lithium ion batteries.
  • Too few changing points
  • Expensive to buy.
  • Insurance costs high.
  • Inexperienced garage staff.
  • Repair costs high?
This is what may happen:

  • The massive research into battery technology will reduce costs and increase range dramatically. One possibility is solid state batteries.
  • Prices will drop (possibly with influence from the Chinese).
  • There will be far more charging points, although most will charge at home and be able to do long journeys without a recharge.

We are not there yet, but it is coming.   Expect 1000 mile ranges and prices similar to petrol cars.


On 10m, I am currently trying 10mW WSPR, but no spots yet today.

As you may recall, earlier I was using 500uW and was pleasantly surprised with my results. At 10mW it should be better.

6m QRP FT8

My 2.5W to the V2000 vertical has been on for about 40 minutes and has been spotted by 7 stations. Some look like Es. 

On 6m FT8 RX I have spotted a station in Norway.

UPDATE 1021z:  19 stations have spotted me and I have spotted 20 stations. Definitely Es.

UPDATE 1246z: 24 stations have spotted my 6m QRP FT8 today.

UPDATE 1551z: My QRP 6m FT8 has been spotted by 28 stations and 27 stations have been spotted here.

UPDATE 1735z: 
29 stations spotted my 2.5W 6m FT8 today (see map).

630m QRP WSPR overnight

Last night I gave 630m WSPR a parting shot.  Unlike earlier in the season, just 2 stations spotted my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. A few months ago this would have been 12-15 including some good DX spots.

I think I shall stop until the autumn.

2m FT8 activity contest yesterday evening

It is amazing what may be heard on 2m FT8 when there is an activity contest.  Last evening 67 stations were spotted here despite just using a big-wheel omni antenna and no beams. 

Furthermost was OV3T (694km) in Denmark. 

The map shows the stations spotted here.

Kite (bird) - NOT amateur radio

About 30 years ago seeing a kite here would be unheard of. A few pairs were re-introduced locally and now they seem to be everywhere. They are quite common near roads where they like roadkill. .

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/red-kite.

Sunspots - Thursday May 2nd

Solar flux is 135 and the SSN 104. A=8 and K=2.