Showing posts with label sk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sk. Show all posts

24 Aug 2022

Silent keys (SK)

This is the term used in amateur radio circles for people who have, sadly, died. It must date from the very early days when most people used Morse and Morse keys. The phrase may be over 100 years old.

In the last year or so, two of the people locally that I chatted with every week have become SK. The one thing they had in common was their zest for life. 

Both enjoyed finding new things right up until they died. Both are missed, but their vitality lives on. 

RIP Ted G4NUA and Ian G3KKD. Ted was keen on PCs and WSPR, and Ian was experimenting with DATV. Ian liked all things ATV. Even to the end he was building 5.6 GHz ATV kit.

21 May 2016

Even fewer G3 calls

In the Silent Keys list in June RadCom I see another 4 G3 stations have died. Most months there are 4-6 who have died. My G3XBM call was issued in December 1967. Some date much earlier, probably just after WW2?  If the G3s are a dying breed then those issued between the wars must be even rarer. In 20 years there will be very few of us left. There is a real chance that our hobby will just die unless the younger generation is enthralled.  I very much hope I am wrong.

Young people get excited by different things. As a youngster, amateur radio was the only way to communicate around the world. TV was limited to Europe. Short-wave was magic: hearing Radio Australia with heavy QSB early in the morning was very exciting.  These days young people can video conference for nothing with any part of the world. No, amateur radio is no longer magic as it was to me. Getting my G3 call was a passport to worldwide communications. This is no longer the case.

We are not alone: many churches seem to be totally unattractive to young people and the bulk of their congregations are old women. In time, these will die and these churches will die too. There are some exceptions.

4 Dec 2008

Ham gear for sale (silent key G4IRZ)

Recently I have been asked to help sell a large amount of ham radio equipment from an ex Royal Signals ham who is now a silent key - Len Winnart G4IRZ. This includes a FT767DX (base mains powered multi-mode rig), a DX70 multi-mode HF/6m transceiver still in its packing, FP707 PSU, a GDO, various ATUs and SWR bridges and lots more. If anyone is interested in seeing the list please email me at rogerlapthorn (at) and I will send you the full list of items.

In particular, if anyone is prepared to make an reasonable offer for the whole lot I'd be happy to discuss. All I am trying to do is dispose of the equipment to someone who would make use of it at a fair price for his XYL.

Please contact me ASAP if you have an interest in this kit.