9 Apr 2024

Is spring ever coming? - NOT amateur radio

It seems to have been having a long, dark and very wet period that has been going on for months. It is now very windy too. Hopefully spring will come ...... sometime!

It is very odd. Many things are early, yet spring seems late. Usually by now we have some good, settled weather. Not so this year.


K9MR said...

The same here in the northeast US (Vermont). Two weeks ago 65 cm of snow followed by some warmth, then a week ago another 30 cm of snow. Almost all gone now as it was 20C here today. Daffodils and Iris are coming up though so maybe spring is coming soon. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Here in Brittany,NW coast, it has been miserable since November 2023. Rain, wind, overcast nearly every day. That is 5 months now. We are sick and depressed at this point. Never endured anything like it. Massive single home construction here over past couple of years by speculators eating up every open space. Wonder how many will be sold. French weather news on TV can't be unnoticed. Brittany usually in the black on the wx map. 73. F8WBD