23 Aug 2020

Time - NOT amateur radio

This year, I shall be 72 years old.

In some ways I feel old now, but at the same time I feel as if the years since I was a teenager have never happened: in some ways it is almost as if time is just an illusion. Memories of those days are still strong.

Time and memories could be illusions.  Every day we wake up it could be that we think we remember past events and places, but we don't. There is always the feeling that time's arrow goes forward into the future, but it could equally well point into the past. Our whole notion of time past, present and future could be flawed.

No, time is puzzling.

Our view of space also puzzles me. I note the similarly between the very big and very small. Is the universe somehow different from how we see it? 100 years on we may say, "did they believe THAT?".

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