3 Jun 2020

6m FT8

Usually I go on 6m FT8 to have QSOs. Sometimes I just want to TX to find out on PSKreporter where my 10W is being copied. Calling CQ works, but confuses people who call me. Is there a way to TX and appear on PSKreporter that makes it clear to others that I am sometimes not after QSOs?

UPDATE 1113z:  A few Es spots so far today on TX. On RX, very few Es spots so far today.

UPDATE 1355z: On occasions, I want to just look on PSKreporter to see where I have been spotted, but without calling CQ, which can cause confusion. So far, I have not found a way unless I put in a fictitious callsign. Evertyhing I have tried so far does not appear on PSKreporter. Any suggestions?


Keith said...

I’ve seen FT8 CQ messages amended to “CQ NA” and “CQ AS” so could you perhaps amend your CQ message to “BEACON G3XBM”? If you omit your grid square as well, there should be enough characters available.

Keith G0RQQ

Unknown said...

Perhaps you could please TX in the correct period too?

EU should TX FIRST

Then you will not be jamming the DX station that some people would like to work. JAs ALWAYS transmit in the 2nd period

Frankly your "experiment" is not doing your callsign's reputation any good at all, many people are wondering what you are trying to acheive

73 Fred