27 Feb 2019

472kHz JT9 and FT8 frequencies?

Ok, so I am asking for some advice.

On 472kHz I mainly use WSPR, but wonder if there is a better mode now more widely used? If so, what dial frequency should I set?

UPDATE 1657z: In the absence of data I am currently calling CQ about 500Hz below the WSPR sub-band on 472kHz FT8. Nothing spotted yet.

UPDATE 1725z: As I have not heard about FT8 and JT9 frequencies, I have returned to 472kHz WSPR. G1GKN (99km) is a good signal, as always.

1 comment:

Keith said...

I’m not sure what the recommended JT9 frequency(ies) is/are either. Perhaps a question on rsgb-lf-group@groups.io might be worthwhile?

I did read on there that there is a mode called SlowJT9 that seems to be getting some traction.

Keith G0RQQ