11 Jan 2019

10m FT8

After a brief CQ call (no spots), I am on 10m FT8 RX for the day. As yet, no spots.

UPDATE 1216z: No Spots.

UPDATE 1352z: Just a single spot so far today. G0KUC (87km) in London is the only station so far spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.  Pretty dire.  No DX at all.

UPDATE 1416z:  2E0MMY (124km) spotted.

UPDATE 1437z: OE6VHF (1217km) spotted. Maybe some winter Es?

UPDATE 1551z:  No further spots on 10m FT8 RX today. I shall probably QSY to 630m WSPR shortly for the evening and switch to 160m FT8 late this evening.

1 comment:

John, EI7GL said...

10m was pretty dire for most of the day but it opened up to Brazil in the evening....https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2019/01/opening-to-usa-on-28-mhz-fri-11th-jan.html