21 Jan 2019

10m FT8 RX - ever hopeful?

As usual in the daytime, I am looking on 10m FT8 RX for some activity. Not unexpectedly, no spots yet. If I am lucky, there might be a few UK stations and maybe the odd European via aircraft reflection. If I spot any further, it would be a good day. However, I am watching! I suspect many more are watching too. As a band of surprises, anything is possible! With FT8, the impossible can be possible.

UPDATE 1340z: 5 spots so far including 3 Germans - aircraft?

UPDATE 1500z: No further spots. Best DX spotted remains DL3GD (714km).

UPDATE 1613z: Looks like there is a brief 10m opening to northern Spain. In all, 10 different stations spotted today on 10m FT8 in 4 EU countries. Best DX spotted is EB3DKE (1198km).

UPDATE 1910z: In the end 14 stations spotted. All EU. Time to QSY to topband or 472kHz.

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