6 Nov 2018

USA mid-terms - NOT amateur radio

"It is no exaggeration to say that the direction America takes will hinge on these results."

Today, the people of the USA vote in their mid-term elections for some of the Senate seats and all of those in the House of Representatives. It is a brave man who predicts the outcome. 

As an outsider, I see parallels in Trump with a certain European leader of the 1930s. Unbridled power can be dangerous and this is a chance to clip wings somewhat. The leader of the USA may have the best interests of the American people at heart, but unbridled power? Is that what the USA really wants? If it is, we face a much more uncertain future. 

With swings to the right in several countries, we live in dangerous times.  What continues to amaze me is how so many in the USA believe their best interests are served by a very, very rich businessman. 

"Make America great again" … yes please! 

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46099744 .

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