3 Feb 2018

Amplitude Modulation (AM)

At one time this was the dominant mode on all bands. With more stations and the advent of SSB, AM was widely scorned on HF as it took too much space and was not as effective or efficient as SSB. Actually there is plenty of space for AM on some bands.
On 10m there is plenty of space, with 29-29.1MHz (someone please tell the RSGB) as the best place to find AM. There are AM nets on 160m and 80m and there is plenty of space on VHF. For some reason AM is "out of fashion" on the VHF bands with FM the predominant mode. Certainly in the UK you can often get AM gear (ex Private Mobile Radio) at knock down prices. On 2m, AM activity can be found around 144.55MHz in the UK (again someone please tell the RSGB that AM usually takes less bandwidth than FM).

So, overall, AM is worth a go. Personally I would not use AM on busy HF bands, but there are bands where it makes good sense. I well remember not many years ago hearing beautiful AM from the USA and Canada. on 10m AM.

See www.amrally.com .
See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/tenbox

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